Well, I used to think I was so ugly and all. But now... Well, I got into this habbit of saying I was "Bringing sexy back"(like the song by JT) for a joke. Then, I began to think I was... bringing sexy back...
Now I like the way I look. I don't wanna be a snob or brag or anything but I do. And all my frinds say I am really pretty and of course my parents do. No boys tell me I am pretty but LOADS of boys stare at me...
My face/body
Eyes: blue, always wear eyeliner
Skin: Too pale for my liking...
Freckles: Yeah, lots on my nose
Hight: 5'6 (I am 12)
Teeth: Mostly strait... they grow super slow though
Nose (heh) : I had to say this, I love my nose!
Other: the one thing I really hate about how I look is my legs. I think they are too... uh, big. Other then that I am actually really skinny. I think I look anorexic sometimes lol. But it doesn't bother me. Just my legs........... Oh yeah and I have major pimple problems so no pics. And I happen to look bad in pics. My smile is crooked. I don't like that. But my friend told me a crooked smile is cool... ugh I'm rambling now lol.
My Hair:
Colour: red-ish
Length: Down to my Shoulders, might cut a bit
"Do": Well, its a bit wavey like my moms and I usually have it in a ponytail or my personal fav, pigtails. Not sticking out at the sides though lol. Or I just keep it down with a headband or something.
BTW, I used to have super long hair, so long I could almost sit on it. I got lots of comments on it but I wanted a change. So now its shorter and I like it better.
Anyway, I don't think anyone is really "ugly".
BTW, Brambleclaw, I used to feel the same way about myself... I don't really know how I got so confident all of a sudden so I can't really give advice on that , sorry. But your not ugly. I have never seen you but you can't look that bad! I bet you look really nice.