Pretty or Ugly?


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I live in Hollywood duh.Now I do.Just moved.
Living in Hollywood makes you pretty? How shallow are you?

I'd say I'm average; I feel better some days than others.

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I'm average, I think.

Medium length blonde hair, light blue eyes, tall and slim....people tell me I'm pretty sometimes, idk. xP

some days i feel pretty, others i feel ugly.

i have blonde little-father-than-shoulder lengh hair

blue eyes tht r biggish

im not vry tan ^_^ wish i was

sum ppl call me pretty

sum guys like me

but it doesnt rly matter THT much what u look like

its whats inside

i felt ugly since meh bf broke up wit me tho


I feel as though I am rather pretty, and even if I'm not I could care less if someone said I'm not. It's my opinion that matters.


Living in Hollywood makes you pretty? How shallow are you?
I'd say I'm average; I feel better some days than others.
Same. Today Im feeling rather icky xP

And uh, yeah, living in Hollywood doesn't make you pretty. You could be a disfigured hobo in Hollywood. Does that make you pretty?

Apologies, but I doubt that you live in Hollywood :/

Same. Today Im feeling rather icky xP
And uh, yeah, living in Hollywood doesn't make you pretty. You could be a disfigured hobo in Hollywood. Does that make you pretty?

Apologies, but I doubt that you live in Hollywood :/
OMG, that made me laugh for a long time. xD

I feel ugly all the time. The only time I have ever felt pretty was yesterday when I looked 20 pounds lighter in a tutu~

Other then that I feel ugly. No one likes me because i am ugly. No one looks for personality anymore... All it is is looks, looks, and more looks.

I feel ugly today..There's this annoying guy in my class. Even though he's annoying I felt sorta offended when he was standing somewhere with two girls and theyre like "Who do you like?" And one of them said "Jaimee?"(who is me) and then he's like Ugh, no way!! And he laughs. :furawatchi:

Yeah i know, I'm sensitive.

Umm... I look hideous when i'm in the airport (i dunno why)

I'd say i'm quite pretty.

i'm not being stuck up. i'm ok in the pretty scale.

but i'm not ugly or Extremely Beautiful.

so i'd say slightly above average

but just a pinch.

Who's the annoying person??

Does that mean you have a crush????????????????????????

no, i know, it's upsetting having someone say you're ugly.

I am ugly...probably cuter when I was little since this creepy guy liked me!?!?! o.o


I have to stop remembering >.<!

In anybody's opinion (not trying to show off or anything) but i am dang gorgeous...

all the guys i the school drool over me... well not really DROOL, but they feel like kissing me all de time!!!!

sorry... but i am not showing off... seriously all my friends and my guy friends tell me... they also like me!!!!


i have wavy brunette hair... guys like blondes but love the brunettes...

sometimes... lol

i have un-hairy legs and arms

i have gorgeous clothes...

and i have forest greenish eyes.. kind of teal too

i have pale white skin...

not that white...

well... ya!

i am HOT!!!

by the way i am not showing off.

but most guys i know love me for me looks 20% and personality 80%

i try not to show off right now... but i am really nice you have to know


by the way PLEASE do not think i am a snob!!!! if u do...

just post it!!!


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I'm ugly. I must be ugly, none of the guys at school like me except the ones who like to get in trouble and who are fat and losers with no life. Gothickittenx3, you said it best. No one cares about personality, just looks. If people cared about personality then I would be liked by many.

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In anybody's opinion (not trying to show off or anything) but i am dang gorgeous...all the guys i the school drool over me... well not really DROOL, but they feel like kissing me all de time!!!!

sorry... but i am not showing off... seriously all my friends and my guy friends tell me... they also like me!!!!


i have wavy brunette hair... guys like blondes but love the brunettes...

sometimes... lol

i have un-hairy legs and arms

i have gorgeous clothes...

and i have forest greenish eyes.. kind of teal too

i have pale white skin...

not that white...

well... ya!

i am HOT!!!

by the way i am not showing off.

but most guys i know love me for me looks 20% and personality 80%

i try not to show off right now... but i am really nice you have to know


by the way PLEASE do not think i am a snob!!!! if u do...

just post it!!!

Perhaps instead of expecting trouble from others, you should watch how you approach this conversation. There's nothing wrong with self confidence but I'd re-wrd it because the way you described yourself in the beginning and end shows your ego is a tad overblown.

Just giving constructive assistance ;)

Also if you can stop telling others to come to you for advice in everyadvice topic, that would be greatly appreciated. It would be far more productive to put it in your signature.

I love the way I am and never want to change how I am natrually.

I hate self drowners, Everyone should think they are pretty, Self doubt is not good people!

I think i'm gorgeous inside and out!

Generally I don't care much about what I look like (I just try not to look ratty). I just live my life and have fun. If somebody likes me, that's fine. If they don't, that's fine to! I'm just a kid, and I shouldn't be caring to much about my appearance. Looks aren't everything, but apparently most people think that way these days. I'm glad my friends don't have that mind set. I'm not saying it's bad to be pretty or look nice, because it's great if you are. It just isn't as important as some people portray it.

^ Yes, it is perfectly fine if you are pretty. Just not if you are all showy-offy and stuck up about it, and say things like:

"I'm soo hot! All the boys at school TOTALLY wanna be with me!!! And that is not a lie! I'm so sexy and hot, I'm like the hottest and sexiest girl in my city!! If you like, think that's vain, well, you should see all the other girls! There are like, fugly. I feel so sorry for the boys that didn't get me, cuz im the only hot girl for miles. OMG I'M SOO HOT!!"

Most popular girls are only popular because they are "pretty" or, more often, "hot", mostly. Not really in Primary/Elementary school, though.

And, just cuz you have long, shiny, beautiful hair, long, smooth legs and big ****s, doesn't mean you're hot. There could be a show off with all the features above, and there

could be this nerdy-looking girl with glasses and bad fashion sense, and if you take the "nerd"'s glasses off, and make them both wear a plain white dress, the nerdy one could be far prettier in the face. She just needs a fashion makeover.

I feel prettier when i have my hair out, and on weekends, for some reason. XD

I usually feel like I'm pretty but when I'm tired and bored with my hair tied up, I feel sort of ugly. I think I like prettier from fron veiw than side veiw because I have a bump in the middle of my nose. But you can't tell from front veiw!

Personally, I agree with buttonQ.

I'm sorta a bit of both, but a pinch more on the prettier side. At least I'm not stuck-up.

I'm not AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL, but I'm not ugly, either. I like the way I look. :D

I have got to say, I am a lot prettier than pretty much all of the other year five girls. :blink:

Same with Alana, she's totally just as pretty as I am! :lol:

Oh, and please, people, I most of us don't enjoy hearing coments like:

"Sure, guys like blondes, but they love brunettes!"

"Brunettes are always prettiest. Face facts, dumb blondes!"

"Oh, blondes aren't the dumb ones. They are prettier than brunettes, and smarter!!"

Yeah. Please don't give coments like that. I know only one or two people have, but im just trying to prevent it!

Thanks for wasting your time on my post. :p

I dont think Im all that ugly, or all that pretty. I dont care about looks much at all, I just like to take good care of myself. That doesnt mean getting all dressed up in high heels and mini dresses, in fact, I dont really like getting all dressed up like that at all. I'd rather just have god hygiene, like brushing my teeth everyday, washing my hair, having showers etc...

I get told by alot of people that Im very pretty, but they would usually mention my acne. A little year 1 girl at my school said to me the other day ''Wow, you're so pretty. But why do you have all those spots on your face??''. And I overheard some boys talking about who they like and one of them said ''Oh well, I would like Ksenia (Me) if she wouldnt have acne''. Sure, acne is annoying, but its not the worst thing that can be. I would consider myself pretty average in looks. But I believe being ''pretty'' doesnt come from the outside, it comes from the inside.

I posted alot of pictures of me in the ''Pictures of you'' topic. Check there if you wanna see me.


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