power palz


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yea hope more people will get onewitch one will you two have dog, cat, dinosaur, horse, bear, mouse you can also get things to it other than pets you can get a supermarket wher you can get 120 kinds of food, play games, get really high iq, get cars moto bikes and others and get a mystery item

yes theres so much but the things i mentioned shall you buy a little extra so you can connect with da supermarket and do all of the things hmm i really want one of those supermarkets only read what they can do hope they will soon come to denmark cus theyre already so many other places

I just got a couple of Power Palz at KB Toys.

They are okay.

They were $10 each.

There are three kinds. Dog, cat and dinosaur.

The characters are not espeically great. They are weird and not really cute.

The Dinosaur looks like a kid in a dino costume.

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