Popular Or Brainiac?


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I'm not really either.

I have a bunch of friends and I'm fairly smart in areas but I'm not in the extremes.

No, I'm not a cheerleader.

I'm not really either. I'm that hyper kid that everyone loves, but no, I'm not popular.

And I'm a middle school cheerleader.

I don't see why you can't be both ._.

I'm fairly intelligent and I'm popular among my friends.

I don't consider myself popular nor other people, I don't want to make people feel bad. Being a cheerleader has nothing to do with being popular. I am intelligent, and so are others.

I am in the gifted program at my school (If that means anything about intelligence at all), but I'm not super popular. People at school like me though and get along well with me.

Well,I'm in between.People just love me and I am one of the smartest in my class.

If I was one of them I would say... I have a ton of friends, like everyone likes me and I don't dislike anyone so probably braniac. Yeah you are saying that doesn't make sense and It doesn't and am just NOT popular and just NOT a braniac.

to tell the truth, I am not popular, but I am not a geek. I am smart and have friends, but almost all of the popular girls at my school are snobs to me, just because I am myself :D

I'm like really popular, there are 1,500 kids in mii school and 500 in my grade and like ALL of them know me and I'm there freind and stuff, so like im really popular,but like I'm like really smart my overall average in all my classes is a 99.6 and like I'm a cheerleader and a gymnast so i got it all going for me =]

I'm neither. x_X I'm not popular and I'm not a geek. The popular chicks at my school act like they're teenagers when they're like 10 or 9.

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im popular but a little smart too lol mostlly popular though but im nice at least :D yeah some popular people mostelly girls are so snooty but im not like that im really nice and funny :D im not a cheerleader either - too girlly - lol no offence im tomboyish too ;D :D

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Popular?? yea...not like me at all!! lol i have soo many friends but i am NOT an omg person at all!! :D i want to be my age and i HATE when people think they are 20 years old when really their 10? ??? :D thats so stupid?? act your age for goddness sake! when your 20 you will regret it!!! and i hate when 9 year olds wear make-up to school. (not including lip gloss) anyways no i dont cheerlead!

I'm like really popular, there are 1,500 kids in mii school and 500 in my grade and like ALL of them know me and I'm there freind and stuff, so like im really popular,but like I'm like really smart my overall average in all my classes is a 99.6 and like I'm a cheerleader and a gymnast so i got it all going for me =]
Maybe just a little- over exaggeration. =P lol

But I'm in the middle. I'm not all that talkative

but I have friends.(Which is all that matters =P)

I'm pretty easy to like since I'm pretty nice. (At times xD)

And people are nice to me. =] I can be smart at times...

But i can also be dumb! xD

I'm kinda both. I'm smart, but a little dumb, and I'm

not very popular. A lot of people do know me, though. The only

reason I'm popular is because I'm always quiet. o_O

POP-U-LAR! By the way, If anyone needs advice on popularity, I'm here!!! Cheerleading,Volleyball and Basketball!!

Not to boast, but yeah, I guess you could call me popular. :furawatchi: I don't know why, though.

I'm fairly intelligent and I don't consider myself very popular.

No, I'm not a cheerleader... I'd rather stick my finger through my eyeball into my brain and swirl it around than chant something and dance all day... No, Just kidding... It wouldn't be so bad.

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