Pokemon World


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Leo frowned. "I'm fine and I didn't think they'd be that mad..." She then looked at Cherry. "I didn't exactly need it, it's just it was so pretty and then a Pansear found me with it and seemed to react to it..."

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Ever launched at Ice Shard to the thick snowy ground, A puff of snow slowly fell to ground, Ever twirled around like a ballerina before digging at the snow, "So, how old are you guys anyway?"

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Trace looked to where they had run off to, "Well, at least you're okay... But... You know, stuff shouldn't be stolen. It's stupid." He puffed, trying not to seem nice.

Bibee watched as his bubbled fell to the ground, and cracked in a million pieces. "W-wow... Can you teach me to do that?"

Mattie looked at the Mudkip in annoyance. "I'm a Vulpix. A FIRE Pokemon. And my name's Mattie," she calmed a little here.

"Well, I know where a Fire Stone is.", said Cherry. "I mistook it for a Sun Stone and it was really hot to the touch. I tossed it in a lake over that way." She pointed in the Northsouth direction. She then said to Ever, "Not sure. Why, do you guys keep track?"

"I do! Besides, it isn't that hard to keep track!" Ever said.

OOC: I'm starting to think of Ever as a Pokemon version of Haruhi Suzumiya.

Trace frowned, "Well. I'm sorry. I snapped." He looked at Ever, "I'm... Not so sure how old I am. I can't remember."

"I don't need it, the Growlithe do and besides they're probably further away from us now..." Leo said, not looking at anyone.

Bibee grinned. "My older brother could do it and he wouldn't teach me. He was so mean sometimes!" the little Pokemon frowned, he missed his family. He tried to stop thinking about it, he bounced up and down on his tail.

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Trace stretched a little, looking at his body, "I think I got a burn... Does anybody have any berries or something? My beautiful body can't take burns!"

Cherry said, "There are Rawst plants over this way." She floated in the direction of the plants.

Scarf said, "I can try to teach you, then."

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"aH! You should show me." Trace said, getting his old tone back, "After all, we're a group now. And I'm the leader."

"I... I havent seen a pokemon in years" Kajah said. "H-- how do you do?" He asked Mattie.

Bibee smiled, "You'll always be my friend right?" he asked Scarf.

Mattie c*cked her head to one side. "Not seen for years? oh.. I'm fine I guess. So what's your name?" she asked.

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"I don't object to you being a leader.", said Cherry. "And the berries are right here.", she said, guiding them to the plants.

Scarf said, "Um... Yeah. Do you want me to teach you now?"

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