Hi everyone this is my Pokemon Platnium log ( I have started so i will remeber everything until i catch up )
( People will talk )
Gavin :Green
Starting off
:Yawn:Alex: That was a great sleep
Mom:Honey come down stairs
:Walks down stairs:
Gavin wants you to come to his house
:Walks to Gavin's House:
lululu i gots some appl..
Wah oh hi Alex i was just coming to get you
Yeah why
I was thinking we should ask professor Rowan for some pokemon
Yeah great idea
Well lets g.. Oh i forgot something be right back
Yeah just leave me by myself im coming in
Gavin's Mom: oh hi Alex Gavin is in his room
ok thanks
bag, journal and food got it all
You coming
:walks to tall grass:
Ok Sandgem town is just over there lets go
Wait my mom said that im not allowed to go into the tall grass
thats ok if we just run through it quickly no pokemon will catch us
Well uhh..
Well lets go 3..2...1..GO!!!
What do you think you are doing
OH its the professor
umm nothing we were doing nothing
Professor wait up
HMM dawn these boys wanted pokemon what should i do
i thinks we should give them pokemon
Hmm don't be so sure they were about to run into tall grass with no pokemon how irresponsible would that had been
Well just let my friend have one then
hmm giving up his own chance to have a pokemon to let his friend have one
hmm you both can have a pokemon
You can choose first Alex
Ok i choose you Turtwig
I choose you chimchar
Ok so you chose the female Turtwig and the male chimchar well come see me in the lab tomorow good bye dawn get the breefcase
Ok good bye you two
Well we should be getting home now
Not so fast Alex i have always wanted to say this so Alex I challenge you to a battle
:Battle music:
Chimchar goes down with two hits
No hmm looks like luck next time i will win
Sure but now i am going home
( People will talk )
Gavin :Green
Starting off
:Yawn:Alex: That was a great sleep
Mom:Honey come down stairs
:Walks down stairs:
Gavin wants you to come to his house
:Walks to Gavin's House:
lululu i gots some appl..
Wah oh hi Alex i was just coming to get you
Yeah why
I was thinking we should ask professor Rowan for some pokemon
Yeah great idea
Well lets g.. Oh i forgot something be right back
Yeah just leave me by myself im coming in
Gavin's Mom: oh hi Alex Gavin is in his room
ok thanks
bag, journal and food got it all
You coming
:walks to tall grass:
Ok Sandgem town is just over there lets go
Wait my mom said that im not allowed to go into the tall grass
thats ok if we just run through it quickly no pokemon will catch us
Well uhh..
Well lets go 3..2...1..GO!!!
What do you think you are doing
OH its the professor
umm nothing we were doing nothing
Professor wait up
HMM dawn these boys wanted pokemon what should i do
i thinks we should give them pokemon
Hmm don't be so sure they were about to run into tall grass with no pokemon how irresponsible would that had been
Well just let my friend have one then
hmm giving up his own chance to have a pokemon to let his friend have one
hmm you both can have a pokemon
You can choose first Alex
Ok i choose you Turtwig
I choose you chimchar
Ok so you chose the female Turtwig and the male chimchar well come see me in the lab tomorow good bye dawn get the breefcase
Ok good bye you two
Well we should be getting home now
Not so fast Alex i have always wanted to say this so Alex I challenge you to a battle
:Battle music:
Chimchar goes down with two hits
No hmm looks like luck next time i will win
Sure but now i am going home