Well-known member
You need the Eon Ticket for Latios in AS? I got it from a local comic meeting by Streetpassing someone who had there some way I can send it to you? If so I'll helpAhh the reverse of my Kyogre... Except I just used Ultra balls. XD.
Nope. just those two and what is wild in the boat... They have a list on Kotaku of all the ones you can catch.
Most of them you need latios/latias to go to the caves/forests with. Still trying to figure out how to get Latios over with the stone bacause bank doesn't transfer items and one 3ds... My usual person is in/going to Japan and I have no idea if she has her 3ds with her on her trip.
Trading seems to be the hard hard part, training, pretty easy... Lol.
Onix became Steelix thanks to a friend with Pokemon X who was willing to trade it...he sent a Haunter over, so we both got our reward, big money all over lol. Training was easy as pie thanks to the Pokerus, the Macho Brace, and the absolutely overpowered sweet scent, summoning hordes of Whismurs ready to be taken out with one surf...that's 20 EV per battle