I know the first Charizard card is worth a decent amount alone. If its 1st edition, way more. I have a 2nd edition which is likely less, probably still worth decent cash because it was in the 150.
You can get the card rated on mint rate and then go from there. Take it to a card store, maybe a collectable store and ask if they can rate the condition.
You can take the whole binder, but they may only look at a few chosen cards, if any. Collectorwise, the completion of a collection set maybe helpful. It varies collector to collector. You likely would need to price out each card and then combine them and figure out a fair price. (with the condition rates included)
Another thing to consider. How common the cards were. The symbol on the cards. Then the actual pull packs, how easy were they to obtain. Such as the original pull packs were really common due to popularity. The prices weren't the current $4/$5 per pull pack. More like $1/$1.50 depending on the store. I remember they went up for the Jhoto packs. More like $1.75/$2.50 Prices aren't excact, I don't remember the offical numbers but as pokemon aged, unfortunatly, the pull pack prices did too. That also effected how popular pull pack were and the card inside were less frequently seen. Hope that makes sense...