Nurse Joy says Petlilil is ready. Sarah goes to get it. "umm.......Nurse joy why doesn't it look like its picture?!?" "Thats becouse its shiny." Sarah catches the Petilil and lets it out of it pokeball "I'm so glad I found you....." she tells her.
Dj "Woah its so dark in here. POKABU if you can here me Light a fire! *flashes fire* Found you! *scoops up Pokabu* Got cha! Sarah! Hurry bring us up! Pokabu was in a hole that could calapse the hole!
"Quick Moona Bring him up." Moona brings DJ up, then goes in the hole with Bloom (petilil) and Searla. They come out with three evaluson stones, A Moon stone, a Sun stone and a Fire stone. "Ummmm.........."
You should evolve Pansear now! Dj said. Also Pokabu do you want to travel with us? Poka! Alright. Go Pokeball! *you know the pattern* I got Pokabu! I'll name him Poka!
"Do you want to evole Searla?" Searla nods and is given the fire stone and starts glowing then evoles. "Do you want to evole too Moona?" Moona takes her stone and evoles. "You too Bloom?" Bloom takes the stone and evoles. " guys look great!!"
Tamsyn was looking around in a grassy area when her friends came up to her. "Oh, sorry I worried you!" Tamsyn said, a guilty expression on her face. "Look; I caught a Lillipup, now a Stoutland, and a Purrloin, now a Liepard, and my Snivy evolved into a Serperior!" Tamsyn said, her Serperior putting up her chin.