Pokemon Black and White


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No it's is not because it is getting released before the 3DS gets released.

I like Snivy but Tsutarja is a way better name, even if it's hard to pronounce.

Yay for my birthday coming up. :3 I'll be saving up for a 3DS and Pokemon Black.

Also is it just me, or does the name 'Pokemon Black and White' just sound... racist?

I like Snivy but Tsutarja is a way better name, even if it's hard to pronounce.

Yay for my birthday coming up. :3 I'll be saving up for a 3DS and Pokemon Black.

Also is it just me, or does the name 'Pokemon Black and White' just sound... racist?

Hate List Item No. 17: People who go "RACIST RACIST!!!!1!!1!1!!" At the mention of a colour.

i'm still debating whether or not to pre order pokemon black or white, or neither one. I will probably buy one of them at some point, i just don't know if they're worth pre ordering right now, because its just more money out of my wallet. I've already put down $50 for my 3DS, and i'll have to pay the rest eventually, too.

^ paisly, I think you should first get your 3DS. Then when you have the money, go out and buy either Pokemon Black or Pokemon White.

It's also the plan I'm thinking of doing. But it's okay if it sounds silly.

Hate List Item No. 17: People who go "RACIST RACIST!!!!1!!1!1!!" At the mention of a colour.
It's what happens when you're around friends who are constantly saying things like this.

English on left, Japanese on right. This is apparently from the same sprites that leaked the new Pokémon sprites before the games came out in Japan, so these could be the real deal.

494 Victini Victini

495 Snivy Tsutarja

496 Servine Janobii

497 Serperior Jaroda

498 Tepig Pokabu

499 Pignite Chaobuu

500 Emboar Emboar

501 Oshawott Mijumaru

502 Dewott Futachimaru

503 Samurott Daikenki

504 Patrat Minezumi

505 Watchog Miruhoggu

506 Lillipup Yooterii

507 Herdier Haderia

508 Stoutland Muurando

509 Purrloin Choroneko

510 Liepard Leperasudu

511 Pansage Yanappu

512 Simisage Yanakki

513 Pansear Boappu

514 Simisear Baokki

515 Panpour Hiyappu

516 Simipour Hiyakki

517 Munna Munna

518 Musharna Musharna

519 Pidove Mamepato

520 Tranquill Hatoopoo

521 Unfezant Kenhorou

522 Blitzle Shimama

523 Zebstrika Zeburaika

524 Roggenrola Dangoro

525 Boldore Gantoru

526 Gigalith Gigaiasu

527 Woobat Koromori

528 Swoobat Kokoromori

529 Drilbur Mogurew

530 Excadrill Doryuzu

531 Audino Tabunne

532 Timburr Dokkora

533 Gurdurr Dotekkotsu

534 Conkeldurr Roopushin

535 Tympole Otamaru

536 Palpitoad Gamagaru

537 Seismitoad Gamageroge

538 Throh Nageki

539 Sawk Dageki

540 Sewaddle Kurumiru

541 Swadloon Kurumayu

542 Leavanny Hahakurimo

543 Venipede Futsude

544 Whirlipede Hoiiga

545 Scolipede Pendoraa

546 Cottonee Monmen

547 Whimsicott Erufuun

548 Petilil Churine

549 Lilligant Doreida

550 Basculin Basurao

551 Sandile Meguroko

552 Krokorok Warubiru

553 Krookodile Warubiaru

554 Darumaka Darumakka

555 Darmanitan Hihidaruma

556 Maractus Marakacchi

557 Dwebble Ishizumai

558 Crustle Iwaparesu

559 Scraggy Zuruggu

560 Scrafty Zuruzukin

561 Sigilyph Shinpora

562 Yamask Desumasu

563 Cofagrigus Desukan

564 Tirtouga Purotooga

565 Carracosta Abagoora

566 Archen Aaken

567 Archeops Aakeosu

568 Trubbish Yabakuron

569 Garbodor Dasutodasu

570 Zorua Zorua

571 Zoroark Zoroark

572 Minccino Chillarmy

573 Cinccino Chirachiino

574 Gothita Gochimu

575 Gothorita Gochimiru

576 Gothitelle Gochiruzeru

577 Solosis Yuniran

578 Duosion Daburan

579 Reuniclus Rankurusu

580 Ducklett Koaruhii

581 Swanna Swanna

582 Vanillite Banipucchi

583 Vanillish Baniricchi

584 Vanilluxe Baibanira

585 Deerling Shikijika

586 Sawsbuck Mebukijika

587 Emolga Emonga

588 Karrablast Kapurumo

589 Escavalier Shubarugo

590 Foongus Tamagetake

591 Amoonguss Morobareru

592 Frillish Pururiru

593 Jellicent Burunkeru

594 Alomomola Mamanbou

595 Joltik Bachuru

596 Galvantula Denchura

597 Ferroseed Tesshiido

598 Ferrothorn Nattorei

599 Klink Gear

600 Klang Gigear

601 Klinklang Gigigear

602 Tynamo Shibishirasu

603 Eelektrik Shibibiiru

604 Eelektross Shibirudon

605 Elgyem Riguree

606 Beheeyem Oobemu

607 Litwick Hitomoshi

608 Lampent Ranpuraa

609 Chandelure Shanderaa

610 Axew Kibago

611 Fraxure Onondo

612 Haxorus Ononokus

613 Cubchoo Kumashun

614 Beartic Tsunbeaa

615 Cryogonal Furiijio

616 Shelmet Chobomaki

617 Accelgor Agirudaa

618 Stunfisk Maggyo

619 Mienfoo Kojofuu

620 Mienshao Kojondo

621 Druddigon Kurimugan

622 Golett Gobitto

623 Golurk Goruggo

624 Pawniard Komatana

625 Bisharp Kirikizan

626 Bouffalant Baffuron

627 Rufflet Washibon

628 Braviary Wargle

629 Vullaby Baruchai

630 Mandibuzz Barujiina

631 Heatmor Kuitaran

632 Durant Aianto

633 Deino Monozu

634 Zweilous Jiheddo

635 Hydreigon Sazando

636 Larvesta Meraruba

637 Volcarona Urugamosu

638 Cobalion Kobaruon

639 Terrakion Terakion

640 Virizion Birijion

641 Tornadus Torunerosu

642 Thundurus Borutorosu

643 Reshiram Reshiram

644 Zekrom Zekrom

645 Landorus Randorosu

646 Kyurem Kyuremu

Otamaro!!! NOES!!!! All these names are AWFUL!

...Good thing I know Japanese, so these crap names don't get on MY game.

Nintendo of America, you now suck.

^ Disappointing. I mean, really.

The new Pokemon names (English ones-- the Japanese ones rock) are just awful.

Otamaro's English name makes it sound like "Tympole" got hit in the Temple!

Anyway, Gen 1 names sound good, too.

Purin sounds better than Jigglypuff (Too long for a name, and just sounds, blegh).

Serperior is the only decent sounding one on that whole list. Meh, i'll get it. I got $150 bucks that I'm not gonna use for anything else.

i think the game will be awesome like the other ones however nothing beats pokemon yellow!!!

i will choose Oshawott and i wanted to pre order the game but my dad wouldnt let me <_<

my mom might though

The new Pokemon are going to take some getting used to... but the graphics look really good and there's a new twist to the plot so I can't wait till these games come out.

It's great. My favprite part is the fact that TMs are infinite-use now.
Oh yeah, I forgot about that! :D

I absolutely fell in love with Tabunne. When they released that its English name was Audino, I about screamed. Talk about a name that completely destroys a Pokemon's femininity :mellow:

She's still awesomely cute, though :3 Too bad she's so rare. Has anyone else noticed that the cutest Pokemon seem to be the rarest (besides legendaries)?

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Around the time Black and White come out, Celebi, a special one, will be realeased as a wi-fi gift. (Gamestop) I dont know if its been posted, but I wanted to make sure people know. Since somepoeple didn't know about the Trio givaway. (Entei, Suicune and Raikou)

I can;t wait for it to come out and I can stop playing a Rom... Ya.

Hate List Item No. 17: People who go "RACIST RACIST!!!!1!!1!1!!" At the mention of a colour.
mfw if there is controversy made by overly sensitive soccermoms over it: (ノಥ益ಥ)ノ ┻━┻

But i hope that doesn't happen ;n;
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