You got Panpour, the water-type monkey Pokemon, for FREE???...Got the free monkey dude Blue/Water Monkey...
Their making Grey?! I didn't think they would....I finished the game very easily, however. At first, I was like "This is crap.", but I guess I could wait for Grey, when a Battle Frontier comes out.
To me HM slaves are for people who don't respect their Pokemon.... and you get Panpour when you go to rescue the lost Munna...You got Panpour, the water-type monkey Pokemon, for FREE???Where, and how? I'm planning on getting one and making him/her my HM slave (Cut, Dig, Dive, Rock Smash), so that's why I'm asking...
...Umm, I think you forgot that Pokemon is a video game (a.k.a. NOT REALTo me HM slaves are for people who don't respect their Pokemon.... and you get Panpour when you go to rescue the lost Munna...
I see what you mean, but I don't use HM slaves. Thats just my opinion. Sorry. Anyway I know Pokemon is a Video Game.........Umm, I think you forgot that Pokemon is a video game (a.k.a. NOT REAL) Having an HM "slave" is the most effective way to ensure that your main team isn't hindered by HM-overload.
Because the UK is having an event where you can get a FREE copy of Black or White and you get to meet the People of Game Freak. One of them being the famous creator of Kirby, Ken Sumigori!No, the U.S. Why?
I'm trying to play rom version to decide what version to get first... Right now, it looks like White... My Rom Emulator plays at 86% not 100%.... But I pretty much guessed at things and got directly where I needed to. Got the free monkey dude Blue/Water Monkey. Got badge two and haven't played much today. I don't enjoy the game being slower then normal. Probably for the better... I'll buy the game sooner.
I could have sworn there was a battle frontier in the games........
SourceThe Battle Frontier has been replaced by the Battle Subway, which works similarly. 7 trainers are battled in a row and points are earned. Points can then be spent on items.