Please we need to stop this.


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I AGREE tamatown and your tamagotchi's should be the only way to get points and not on the computer

It sucks the fun out of all tamagotchis so STOP IT I TELL YOU STOP IT

[SIZE=11pt]If you don't like these password generating things you must also understand that TamaTown and the e-tamago sites will not be supported for ever.[/SIZE]

These password generating programs like EnWarehouse are going to be the only way to get things in just a couple of years.

I just adore EnWarehouse beyond words! Using it is easier and much faster than using the site e-tamago. I wish there was a V4 version. I could actually see using my V4's.

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I disagree. Many people only use it to get a few extra Gotchi Points, what's the harm to that?

Gaining 9900 gotchi points playing Ring Toss in the Tama Town arcade (the fastest money generating game in TamaTown) : 10-15 minutes.

Gaining 9900 gotchi points with D-Best's generator: under 1 minute

If you don't like D-Best's generator or can't make it work for you, that's fine! You certainly don't have to use it. Not all of us have hours to spend playing the same repetitive games in order to get the gotchi points we'd need to buy the items we'd like.

Here's the thing, Tama's contain about $4 worth of actual components, and sell for, on average, $14.50 (US). Ban Dai makes a killing on these things, and Tamagotchis are NOT their only income stream. If Ban Dai was seriously interested in keeping "cheats" from being used, they'd put more effort into their websites than they do. Every programmer in the world knows that if you don't keep people actively interested in your site, then they are going to find a way to bypass your programming to avoid boredom.

TamaTalk is defintely one of the better Tamagotchi forum sites that I've come across, and it offers a wealth of information to make EVERYONE'S tama experience a pleasant one. Petitioning against TamaTalk because you don't like one part of the information it offers is not an appropriate response.

D-best's generator is just a tool. Is Spudilike's V4 Growth Chart "bad" because it takes the surprise out of raising your tamagotch, or because it gives you an edge when it comes to raising one of the 3 "secret" characters? Of course not. It's a tool, one which you can choose not to use, if you prefer.

I agree!!! Bandi didnt make Tamatown for nothing, they made it to try and find the passwords for all the souvineirs!

well ur just being unresonable because some of us dont want to waste our points and just want to see what it looks like in the kings palace and u ******* u odnt need to look at it in the first play lazy idiots :huh:

And please, I don't want to make a fight, it's ok for me to not use D-best's generator, can I say this?......uggggghhhhh.........just like Asiangotchi said......Bandai wasted their money because of making TamaTown, just think how much Bandai spend to make TamaTown. Think that your one of the maker of TamaTown, you wasted so much money on it, but no one visited TamaTown!! Isn't that awful!! Well if ya think it's not awful....uhmmm, maybe you're rich? Hehehe.....
For what it's worth, I can't see how BanDai makes any profit directly from the tamatown website anyhow. I'd say (based solely on a guess) that the majority of Tamagotchi owners/users (particularly those who fall into the designated target group and not weirdo grown-ups like me) probably don't 'cheat', they probably do use the tamatown website- which doesn't have any ads and you don't need to subscribe to, so what difference does that make to BanDai's finances anyhow? (If I were being really flippant, I'd say that using the Generator instead of the website itself saves BanDai money in that there's less bandwidth use and therefore a smaller website bill at the end of the month, but now I'm probably just being ridiculous).

I think that this generator business is all fascinating. If you've played through your Tamagotchi a few times, or have an interest in the semantics of the way all that stuff works, then the generator is a useful tool.

I agree that cheating takes the fun out the game especially for those who are using it frequently. I never understood the whole cheat code phenomenon. If you're going to cheat, then why buy one in the first place?

On the other hand, I do understand where the others are coming from who use them in certain situations. i.e obtaining the food your tama likes to eat when there is no other alternative.

Regardless, I would be very surprised if Bandai shut down Tamatown over this. There are numerous sites that offer cheat codes to video games across the web and none of those gaming companies have organized a protest against it. In fact, you can purchase guidebooks for practically every video game on the market in the stores where the games are sold. Most of the guidebooks are produced by the company who manufactures the game itself. I realize that Tama's are different than videogames, but it's basically the same principle.

In all reality, the people who use tamatown the way it was intended more than likely outweigh those who are abusing it, so I don't think we have to worry about tamatown becoming virtual "Atlantis".

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I AGREE tamatown and your tamagotchi's should be the only way to get points and not on the computerIt sucks the fun out of all tamagotchis so STOP IT I TELL YOU STOP IT
It is impossible for TamaTown to be the only way to get points. If you can get points on TamaTown, then there must be CGI files making TamaTown work. These must be able to control how many gotchi points and which items you get. You can then cheat by typing the commands for the CGI files in the address bar (this is how D-Best's generator works).

We need to stop those Generating Thing that Generate Passwords and stuffs, Bandai made TamaTown so we can gain Gotchi Points and get Souvenirs, not in some generating passwords. If we're using that Generate Topic, what's the use for TamaTown?
Even if I made a topic about The Gotchi Points that has a link to the Generating Topic, if it has been approved to go in Tips and Tricks.
Look if you dissagree with genarating so much don't use! :p SOME PPL WANT TO USE GENERATING SO I DISSAGREE...okay? And anyway bandai are the ones who actually programmed the cheats in themselves. They are secret shop codes! *rolls eyes*

[SIZE=11pt]It is your choice to use or not use the codes.[/SIZE]

Personally, I love them.

binary is my hero for creating EnWarehouse :D I can not tell you how much I love that little program.

You need to think about the future. TamaTown will not be around for ever. EnWarehouse will be. :lol:

I hope the guy who made the V4cheat machine will get a stand alone version of it going. I prefer the generators to going to the websites. I just want what I want when I want it for the Tamagotchis if I can get it. That is how I enjoy using the codes. It's just a personal preferance.

If the programs bother you, ignore them. No need to make an issue of something like this that does not please you. Might as well ignore it and not make a big deal. It's not hurting anyone and it's only enhancing others enjoyment of their Tamagotchis.

Ok ok let us stop this fight, (but I'm not Forfieting[sorry if wrong spelling...]) OK? ok.

Let us just forget this whole old topic and go on.

Beside, I kind Disagree and Agree to what I said.

Why Disagree?- Because if ya really haven't got enough tym to get 99999 Gotchi Points in TamaTown, you can go to the Generator to get the Gotchi Points Fast.

Why Agree?-Because, well..... like much who agree said that it sucks all the fun in TamaTown.

I'm not posting in this topic anymore because i forgot about it.


P.S."Can you plaese close this topic?"

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