The growing-up times are different, depending on which version Tamagotchi toy you have. Below are the times for the most recent versions. If yours is a different version, let us know which you have.
V5 (Familitchi)
baby + 1 hour = toddler
toddler + 48 hours (2 days) = teen
teen + 48 hours = adult
adult + 48 hours = now can mate (now can use the dating show.) They become parents when they mate.
Note: The above are unpaused times.
V6 (MusicStar)
baby + 1 hour = toddler
toddler + 24 hours = teen
teen + 30 hours = adult
adult + 3 days = mates offered (twice a day, for four days)
adult + 7 days = oldie
oldie + 3 days = mates offered again
Note: The above are unpaused times.