Well-known member
cool! they only work on your username but thanx anyway!
They look like rectangle with foreghin FOR-HEN flags on them They are usually 2000-5000 gotchi points.I wanted to buy a ticket from my shop, but I never see them? Can someone explain how they look so I could spot one next time??@_@
the plane ticket has the countrys flag on it and our 2000 2 5500 gotchi points and when its a sale there only 1100 gotchi points hope i helpedcan someone discribe what a plane ticket looks like and how do you know what trip it is
i bought a switserland one and its 5800I think the tickets are as follows:
only u can use it!the ticket I have 3 this are the :
trip to austraila 89083 59828
trip to chile 11217 01338
trip to hawii 82427 60836