Pictures of you...


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Haha MsKtty [i just realized you don't have an 'I' in Ktty xP]. xD I would love to post a picture but my mom and dad would totaly freak out and ground me or something.

Haha MsKtty [i just realized you don't have an 'I' in Ktty xP]. xD I would love to post a picture but my mom a
nd dad would totaly freak out and ground me or something.
LOL... Yeah, I never put an "i" in it... It started as my hotmail e-mail, MsKitty89 was taken, so I just cut out the "i." Now I use it for everything.

Anyway, oh. Well, oh well. :D

@ meowbark: You look familiar. :)

Um i dont wana post a pic but

I have Dirty Blonde Hair With Blonde Highlights

Very slim. I eat so much though

Braces to get

6th grade

12 years old

Well guys -- I was taking pictures for a new MySpace defaultand I though I'd let you guys see 'em.


Tell me which one you like so I know which to set for a default picture.

Please thanks.


I'm thinking of a numberrr...

Goooo Photoshoppp!
OMG I want your hair! I hate my hair >.<

EDIT :Whoops! Sorry, I didn't relize I double posted o.o

I request a normal photo of you, please.

And, oh, since Joshua (my fiance) has posted a few times through my account (mainly for religious debates) I'll post his photo, too.


Scary face...

"I got a Wii!"

I don't have many recent ones of him, he doesn't normally let me take a photo... Without making a face, anyway... ;)
Haha.. I'd like to meet him.. He seems like a funny type of guy.

Haha.. I'd like to meet him.. He seems like a funny type of guy.
;) He is indeed. He's good at having a sense of humor about almost everything, which makes living with him pretty easy. :lol:

Ok, this is the first and last time you guys are gonna see me!! brace yourself:

i need to find a better pic ,brb!


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KK! I found one of me!! Brace yourself:


haha is burrryyy!! (yeah im hyper today, slept till 12:00pm!) ill try to find one of me and Melaine together


KK! I found one of me!! Brace yourself:

haha is burrryyy!! (yeah im hyper today, slept till 12:00pm!) ill try to find one of me and Melaine together

Pretty. :)

You slept into the future! (It's only 11:30AM here) :D

If you take the aliens effects out of tamaw/pants picture she doesn't look "creepy", look at it for about 20 seconds and she looks real nice. :(

All you guys look great.

Here's mine, (highlight)


Not going to post my other because I really don't want people see all my pictures. :rolleyes: I'm bad at taking pictures.

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