Physics' Music Star Log! :D


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Jan 20, 2008
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Hi everyone! I'm new to this forum, and I'm here to post logs for my two Music Stars! I just got my Disco Lights Tamagotchi in the mail, and my Scarlet Rhythm Tama is currently on its third generation. From now on, I'll use green font when talking about my Disco lights, and Red font when talking about my Scarlet Rhythm. ^_^

So, I was sick today and had to stay home from school. However, my miserable mood was quickly brightened when I discovered my Disco Lights Tama was finally here! I immediately opened it and pulled out the tab. It was a girl, and I named her Clover. Her instrument was a guitar, and her toy was a panda. I went on Music City soon after and sent her a whole bunch of instruments, and changed her instrument to a microphone. She's currently a Hitodetchi. She originally liked rock and roll, but now she likes hip hop. Here are her stats!


Name: Clover

Gender: Girl

Species: Hitodetchi :hitodetchi:

Age: 0 years

Weight: 10 lbs

Hungry: 4

Happy: 4

Stress: 11

Tone: 92

Rhythm: 108

Original: 122

Toy: Panda

Instrument: Mic

Genre: Hip hop

Now I'll introduce you to Alfonzo the Mametchi! His father and grandfather were a Kuromametchi and a Mametchi, respectively. I love Mametchi, so I don't mind having one again. ^_^ Alfonzo is only 3 years old and already acquired the 1st ranking award for classical music. His grandfather Zapper's band got the pop and rock music awards, and his father Sparky's band got jazz, Latin, rock, and pop! I'm hoping Alfonzo will end up just as successful.


Name: Alfonzo

Gender: Boy

Species: Mametchi :mametchi:

Age: 3 years

Weight: 36 lbs

Hungry: 4

Happy: 4

Stress: 02

Tone: 999

Rhythm: 999

Original: 999

Toy: Dinosaur

Instrument: Violin

Genre: Classical


Band: Pixels

Violin: Alfonzo the Mametchi :mametchi:

Trumpet: Penny the Makiko

Keyboard: Veronica the Sebiretchi

Awards: Classical

I post more after I get home from school tomorrow! :D

So, I don't really like the color combination I used in my first post, so I'm going to make it a bit more interesting. My Disco Lights Tama will now be Medium Turquoise.

Clover evolved in 5th period today! She is now an adorable Chamametchi. I immediately got her to join a band, and she met up with a Kikitchi named Dino and a Hinotamatchi named Toby. One of them will probably be her future husband. :lol: Anyway, since they originally formed as a hip hop band, I named them Paprika (inspired by Salt n Pepa). XD Some of you may think that's weird since there are two boys in the band and all, but whatever. XD Clover's genre keeps changing between hip hop, Asian music, R&B, rock and roll, and jazz music! She'll probably end up getting a lot of awards when she's older. :angry:

Oh, I almost forgot. Last night, I went on Music City and managed to get her a dream mic. Her bandmates' instruments will vary with whatever their genre is at the time.

Name: Clover

Gender: Girl

Species: Chamametchi

Generation: 1

Age: 1 year

Weight: 20 lbs

Hungry: 4

Happy: 4

Stress: 15

Tone: 313

Rhythm: 354

Original: 336

Toy: Panda

Instrument: Dream mic

Genre: Asian music

Band: Paprika

Awards: None

Member 1: Clover the Chamametchi on the dream mic

Member 2: Dino the Kikitchi on the timpani

Member 3: Toby the Hinotamatchi on the piano

Guess what? I got the boy's destiny star yesterday, and Alfonzo is now a...Dreamitchi! <_< I'm very proud to have him. Anyway, yesterday Alfonzo managed to get another award, this time in jazz music. He likes rock n roll now, so he'll probably get another one tonight. EDIT: He just got the rock award! Yay!


Name: Alfonzo

Gender: Boy

Species: Dreamitchi

Generation: 3

Age: 4 years

Weight: 39 lbs

Hungry: 4

Happy: 4

Stress: 17

Tone: 999

Rhythm: 999

Original: 999

Toy: Dinosaur

Instrument: Violin

Genre: Rock n Roll


Band: Pixels

Member 1: Alfonzo the Dreamitchi on the violin

Member 2: Penny the Makiko on the trumpet

Member 3: Veronica the Sebiretchi on the keyboard

Awards: Classical, Jazz, Rock N Roll

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Sorry I haven't been posting; I've been really busy. A lot has happened since I last posted. :angry:

Clover evolved in a Mimitchi on Friday! It's the first Mimitchi I've had since I played the v1 years ago, so I'm pretty stoked. Dino evolved into a Togetchi, and Toby evolved into a Kuchipatchi. For some reason, the band wasn't able to pass the auditions. I tried many, many times and they kept failing. I tried maxxing out her stats, practicing the band, and even changing their instruments. Nothing worked. However, Paprika finally managed to pass the auditions today! I'm so proud of them. They are now 2nd on the star ranking, and will probably win some awards tomorrow.

Name: Clover

Gender: Girl

Species: Mimitchi

Generation: 1

Age: 3 year

Weight: 29 lbs

Hungry: 4

Happy: 4

Stress: 18

Tone: 999

Rhythm: 999

Original: 999

Toy: Panda

Instrument: Dream mic

Genre: Rock n Roll

Band: Paprika

Awards: None

Member 1: Clover the Mimitchi on the dream mic

Member 2: Dino the Togetchi on the drums

Member 3: Toby the Kuchipatchi on the guitar

Things were eventful on this Tamagotchi Friday as well. Alfonzo got married to a pretty Violetchi, and they had a baby boy! (Four boys in a row. I've never had a girl on here.) His name is Rocky and he's a Kuribotchi. He should be evolving soon, so I'll post again when he does. :D


Name: Rocky

Gender: Boy

Species: Kuribotchi

Generation: 4

Age: 0 years

Weight: 10 lbs

Hungry: 4

Happy: 4

Stress: 09

Tone: 488

Rhythm: 356

Original: 382

Toy: Robot

Instrument: Keyboard

Genre: R&B Music

Rocky just evolved into a Hinotamatchi! The music teacher just came by and gave him a harp, and then I sent him to music school to make a band. He formed a band with a Kikitchi named Louis and an Ichigotchi named Jenny. I called them Pixel, based on the name of my former band on this Tama. I was reading other logs and discovered that several other people were using the same band name for each generation. I decided that would be a lot easier than thinking of new band names all the time. So, this Tama's bands will always be called Pixel, and my other Tama's bands will always be called Paprika. ^___^


Name: Rocky

Gender: Boy

Species: Hinotamatchi

Generation: 4

Age: 1 years

Weight: 25 lbs

Hungry: 4

Happy: 4

Stress: 00

Tone: 520

Rhythm: 390

Original: 388

Toy: Robot

Instrument: Keyboard

Genre: Asian Music


Band: Pixel

Awards: None

Member 1: Rocky the Hinotamatchi on the keyboard

Member 2: Louis the Kikitchi on the guitar

Member 3: Jenny the Ichigotchi on the harp

Although her band got off to a rough start, Clover is doing great! She won two awards, Hip Hop and Rock n Roll. She also got married this morning! :D The band manager introduced her to a handsome Kuromametchi, and she couldn't refuse. They had a baby boy. (Why so many boys? I hope I don't have the same problem on this one...) I'm not sure what I'm going to name him yet. Anyway, hopefully Clover will win more awards before she leaves. I'll miss her. :/

Name: Clover

Gender: Girl

Species: Mimitchi

Generation: 1

Age: 5 year

Weight: 43 lbs

Hungry: 4

Happy: 4

Stress: 00

Tone: 999

Rhythm: 999

Original: 999

Toy: Panda

Instrument: Dream mic

Genre: Rock n Roll

Band: Paprika

Awards: Hip Hop, Rock n Roll

Member 1: Clover the Mimitchi on the dream mic

Member 2: Dino the Togetchi on the drums

Member 3: Toby the Kuchipatchi on the guitar

Rocky evolved overnight! He is now a Kuromametchi. I really don't get this, since he had several care misses and was paused a couple of times. I've gotten nothing but perfect care adults since I started with the Music Star. Oh well, I missed having Kuromametchi. Louis evolved into a Dorotchi and Jenny evolved into a Memetchi. Pixel was much more successful in the beginning than Paprika was. They passed their first audition and are now 1st on the star ranking already. They will definitely win lots of awards.


Name: Rocky

Gender: Boy

Species: Kuromametchi

Generation: 4

Age: 2 years

Weight: 43 lbs

Hungry: 4

Happy: 4

Stress: 00

Tone: 999

Rhythm: 999

Original: 999

Toy: Robot

Instrument: Keyboard

Genre: R&B Music


Band: Pixel

Awards: None

Member 1: Rocky the Hinotamatchi on the keyboard

Member 2: Louis the Dorotchi on the guitar

Member 3: Jenny the Memetchi on the trumpet

Clover left me. :[ I named her son Zeufi (don't ask) and he is now a Hinotamatchi. I was really trying to Nonopotchi, so I'm not sure how this happened. Anyway, I really hope he doesn't evolve into a perfect care character like all my others did. But it is really hard to not take perfect care of him. :[ The music teacher came over and gave Zeufi the robot singers, and he then joined a band with an Ichigotchi named Colleen and a Nonopotchi named David.

Name: Zeufi

Gender: Boy

Species: Hinotamatchi

Generation: 2

Age: 1 year

Weight: 31 lbs (Trying to get an average care character. This is probably always going to be a little high.)

Hungry: 4

Happy: 3

Stress: 15

Tone: 352

Rhythm: 348

Original: 356

Toy: Helicopter

Instrument: Timpani

Genre: Classical Music

Band: Paprika

Awards: None

Member 1: Zeufi the Hinotamatchi on the timpani

Member 2: Colleen the Ichigotchi on the violin

Member 3: David the Nonopotchi on the piano

Rocky is doing well. He won three awards! :D I think he's going to get married tomorrow or the next day.


Name: Rocky

Gender: Boy

Species: Kuromametchi

Generation: 4

Age: 4 years

Weight: 40 lbs

Hungry: 4

Happy: 4

Stress: 21

Tone: 999

Rhythm: 999

Original: 999

Toy: Robot

Instrument: Keyboard

Genre: Rock N Roll

Band: Pixel

Awards: R&B, Asian Music, Rock N Roll

Member 1: Rocky the Hinotamatchi on the keyboard

Member 2: Louis the Dorotchi on the guitar

Member 3: Jenny the Memetchi on the trumpet
