Photographing Tamagotchis'


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TamaTalk Angelgotchi
Sep 8, 2006
Reaction score
London, England
I usualy scan my gotchis in, this provides excellent quality images. However, I can't catch animations in time so have been trying to take a digital photograph with my camera.

Poor results! :mimitchi: has anyone worked out how best take a photo of their tama?

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I have taken heaps and heaps of digital photos of my tamas, and i'm still experimenting with what works best. Lately I have been using the macro function, with Red eye reduction flash....and a slight angle to the screen...I still get a bit of flash from the screen...but its pretty good...

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Thats Very Good!!!!

I too used the macro, but no flash, it was too blurry, I'll try your way Thanks x x

My camera is an olympus 7.1megapixel

even on Super High Quality I havn't got as good an image as you!

I'll go experiment again now


I usualy scan my gotchis in, this provides excellent quality images. However, I can't catch animations in time so have been trying to take a digital photograph with my camera.
Poor results! :eek: has anyone worked out how best take a photo of their tama?
Well, I personally haven't taken a photo of my tamagotchi in quite a while.

First of all, make sure no light reflects off of the screen of the tamagotchi, that happened to me several times :D

Also, a little retouching in photoshop could prove to be an effective method...

If you're just trying to get the screen, do it so you have JUST enough so you can see it, but not so much it reflects off the screen.

Ty flint I discovered that with time lol picture taking is easier of night, unatural light works best. I have a super macro which is cool but does not work with red eye I ended up with macro, red eye in unatural light

this is my best result, I am pleased with it, could I better it? btw before georgiakate1s' advice images where embarrasing!!

Is this reasonable?

I love it, seems far better than previous.

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