Hey people! This is kinda off topic, but I found some REALLY weird phobias! Check 'em out! Even better, they're in alphabetical order! (No,
I DO NOT HAVE ANY OF THESE!!!!!!!!! And no offence to the people who do...)
Caligynephobia- Fear of beautiful women
Cibophobia- Fear of
food. (yeah, that's not a typo. And who in the name of ANYONE would have a fear of food?!)
Defecaloesiophobia- Fear of
painful bowel movements-

(Hightlight the one above (it's a little...

and NASTY)
Euphobia- Fear of hearing good news.
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia- Fear of long words. (No suprise there XDDDDDDDDD. Just laughing at how long the phobia name is.)
Lachanophobia- Fear of vegetables.
Linonophobia- Fear of string.
Macrophobia- Fear of long waits.
Molysmophobia or Molysomophobia- Fear of dirt or contamination. (I bet Mo, from Wall•e has this one xD.)
Nomatophobia- Fear of names.
Oneirogmophobia- Fear of wet dreams. (What the heck are wet dreams?)
Phagophobia- Fear of swallowing or of eating or of being eaten.
Russophobia- Fear of Russians. (their were others like these, but they didn't seem as weird...)
Vitricophobia- Fear of step-father.
Zemmiphobia- Fear of the great mole rat.