~*~Phi's Life~*~


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I bought two shovels...one gave me 100GP, the other gave me a snake and Phi lost one happy heart :ichigotchi: He got a plant and it turned into a smilie face. Quick stats:

Name- Phi

Age- 7

Training: [{FULL}]

38 lbs

Hungry %%%%

Happy %%%%

2884 GP

My shop hasn't had a sale in a loong time... :D

Well, the matchmaker came today and brought a cuuute little billotchi so of COURSE I said yes!! :p Now Phi has a baby boy who I will name Kai. I bought a chest today and it gave me 3000 GP, and I used some of those points to buy Phi a trumpet. I'll be sad when Phi leaves, but i'll take very good care of Kai in his place :furawatchi:

I caught Phi taking a bath. :wacko: He was also brushing his teeth before going to bed! I knew I had taught him well <_<

I started taking care of Phi's baby boy today, Kai. I also got new batteries for my V1, and she is a girl, so i hope to mate them. Stats for kai:



Training: |||

Weight- 15 lbs

Hungry @@@@

Happy @@@@

2nd Gen

I feel happy, but I miss Phi :D

Kai evolved into a Hikotchi today. I wanted that character, although I treated him a little badly to get it :) Kai also got a chest today...which made him turn into a teletchi, then he lost all his hungry AND happy hearts. :angry:

Kai turned 2 today. So far he and Jeny (My V1) have 4 smiley faces for each other. I can't wait till they turn into adults and mate! :D

I have lots to tell! Kai evolved into a Decotchi (the tama frankenstein :D ) And he is now 4 hearts with Jeny, so they can mate! Yay :huh:

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Kai just had babies with my V1 Jeny! Yay! Two baby girls :( Finally! I will name the baby Roxxi. That;s cute :p

Well, Kai is leaving right now. :( I shall now begin taking care of his baby, Roxxi. I'll post some stats later. Bye bye Kai!! ;)



Training- Empty

Weight- 9 lbs

Age- 0

Gender- Girl

Generation 3.

All heart's filled!

Yay. I think i'll shoot for 99 generations ;)

*Post removed*

Please don't post in other members logs

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Excuse me, Mexxo_299...but this log is for MY tamagotchi's stats. Maybe you should make your own tama log to record them. Thank you! ;)

Roxxi is 3 years old today. Hopefully she will evolve tomorrow ;)

Name- Roxxi

Age- 2 (TURNING 3)

Trainng: || (I know, I know.)

36 lbs

3 Gen

15 pts...(I have been shopping :) )

The training is pathetic because she sleeps all day while I am at school!

Thank you Georgiakate1 :angry: Roxxi's future husband is an adult already! His name is Ochi, he is my Version 1.

Roxxi got a time out for calling me for nothing, and she dropped one happy heart. Then she drank some juice and was all better! She loves juice, and she does a little dance when she drinks it :mametchi:


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