Phantom's Tama Diary


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Well It was The first time I took my Tamas to school this year. So far so good!


Erika: Guys! Get up get ready for school!

All: -_- awwwww......ZzZzZzZ

Erika: I made Choclate Chip pancakes!

All: :eek: *runs out and sits at table*

Dusty: Guys look at what I can do! *burns some of the wick*

Erika: Dusty don't blow up when we are eating.

All 4 Tamas are walking to school.

Windy: Our first day at TA (Tama Academy) I'm exicted!

Polly: *flying on her back* Me too!

Seed: I'm a little scared...

Dusty: I'm so full of emotion, I could explode! *Explodes*


Seed: Whoa!

Windy: DUSTY!!!! :)

Dusty: Chill out, I'm fine!

Polly:*still flying on back* LOL! Your a blast!

Dusty: -_- *jumps on Polly's belly*

Polly: Ooofh! I desevered that...

The Tamas arrive at school.

Many Tamas are running into the building.

Seed: :eek: So, so different than Elemenrty...

Polly: Come on Seed.


I'll post more later.My supper's ready and I have homework.

Good News! My friend Mo (Micheala) Told me that she saw Celbrity V5. :hitodetchi:


Polly: Come on Seed! It's not that scary!

Seed: >.>;

Polly: Don't worry, It'll be okay!


Dusty: Lets Compare schedules.

Windy: Me and Dusty have the same schedules, exept for math.

Seed: Me and Polly have the same schedules expet for Social Studies and English. I love English Class <3

Polly: Who's tring out for teams?

Dusty: I'm trying for football

Polly: I'm tring for cheerleading!

Dusty: Ha, ha, ha your predictable too!

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All of the tama's are walking up the driveway after their first day of school.

Mailbox: Polly! Polly! Letter! Letter!

Polly: *reads letter* Awww....Thats so sweet...*blushes*

Dusty: Aww... Its a wub wetter *kissy face*

Polly: *Evil stare*

Dusty and Seed walk in the house.



Windy: But he's still in elmenrtey!

Polly: I know...

Hey. Erika here, I just got my braces tightend...It hurts...but my braces are now a pretty blue :eek:

My Tamas are pause because I didn't bring them to school. I'm home from school but I'm not unpausing them...

My Teeth hurt...

I kinda don't wanna post today...nothing happened anyway. I'll post tomorrow okay?

Okay...I guess I'll post :p Do you know what I noticed, My Tama Diary...Isn't a Diary! g-g-g-gasp batman!


Erika: Hey guys!

All: Yo!

Erika: :D ...okay...Anyway, I have this thing Called Phantoms Tama Diary...

Windy: Yea.....go on....

Erika:...and I'd like your to post your thoughts and feelings on it.

Dusty: :mellow: *scoffs* Diarys are for girls and sissys.

Seed: I AM NOT A SISSY!...*blushes*

Polly: Can I post first?

Erika: Sure. *gives polly computer chair*


Dear Diary:

Mailbox has given me a letter today...from Max. It wasn't just any "Hey how are ya'" letter it was a ♥...I'm thinking it is just a little crush because my directroy says or bond is only ☻☻... besides I'm a teen, he's just a kid. He'll grow out of it...right?



Polly Ghost

This is epic man! I ACTULLY got in AT EARTH EXPO! The Password screen is up right now *dances*


Erika: Guys, Lets go to the Earth Expo!


Seed: What are we doing today? Making more hats? I like hats :mellow:

Erika: No. We are going to Japan to pound Mochi!

Windy: Oh yay! I always wanted to try Mochi!

Dusty: Mochi?

Seed: You STILL don't pay attetion in class...It's Rice Cake...

Dusty: Awsome! Cake!


Dusty: This isn't Cake!

Polly: It's rice cake. Its great!

Windy: Lets make this interesting.

Dusty: I'm listening.

Windy: Lets Divide up into teams. Girls Vs. Boys. The last team to finish the Mochi will do the other teams chores for a week. :p

Seed *looks at Dusty* Your SO on!

Ready, Seeettttt.....GO!


Results tomorrow! Vote via PM who you want to win! Will Seed and Dusty have to Organize the girls "time of the month" drawer? Or will Polly and Windy have to clean the bathroom...after pork n' beans nite? Vote Now!

Well...No one voted o_O; Sooo....Erika stopped it! Gasp!


The Tama's are on there way to school.


English Class

Teacher: Ms. Flower

My Tama's in the class currently: Seed


Ms. Flower: Okay Class, we are going to write a poem for our "owners" or humans, that take care of us.

Seed's Poem:

Your Eyes are chestnut brown, have a coconut glaze.

Your hair is soft and touchable, even if you haven't brushed it for days.

Your always there for me, Day and Night.

When your next to me, I know its alright.

Too sum it up quickly, I love you.

The Tamas are walking home after a great day of school.


Windy: How was everyones day? ~♪

Polly: *does loop de loop* Wonderful~♪ I'm made the Cheer Team!

Windy: Congrats!

Dusty: I'm now a football player!

Seed: Cool...

Dusty: OMG...Seed...your turning green...

Seed: WHAT!? *Pulls Pollys mirror out of bag* *shivers* I'm a Kuchipatchi...

Polly: *flowers on head bloom, anntenas grow, wings grow larger* Cool! I'm a Ura Voiletchi!

Windy: I'm a Memechi! ^_^

Dusty:...I'd never thought I'd completment you like this but your beautiful!

Windy: Aww....Thanks! Your quiet the handsome Sukachi yourself

Dusty: You bet I am!

Windy:...Most Tamagotchis say Thank You...

All: Erika! We Evolved!

Erika: Cool! Polly, You are a lovely Ura Voiletchi. Dusty, The Handsomest Sukachi ever, so muscular...Windy, I love Memetchis! Your eyes are so deep and beautiful...and Seed, I'm so proud of you, Green is my fave color! *hugs all 4 tamas*

Seed: Can I write in the Diary?

Erika: Of course!

Dear Diary,

Its me Seed. I'm a Kuchipatchi now, and I HATE IT! I'm so fat, and my mouth is huge. Everyone else evolved into a beautful tama...I'm a fat green Kuchipatchi. Erika likes my evolvetion because she like green! I'm so depressed right now. I'll see ya later Diary..



Seed Ghost

Dear Diary,

Yo, Its Dusty. I just wanted to tell you guys that Seed's gota girlfriend! Her name is Sarah, and she is a Yonepatchi. She is quiet cute. I hope Sarah and Seed are happy together, Oh need to run! Football game!


Peace Out,

Dusty Ghost

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Hey guys I have the BESTEST IDEA EVER!!! Is it fan mail? DUSTY! GO 'WAY! Mood swings much... Don't mind him ^^; Um, I LOVE Halloween, so I'll make a Halloween group hatch one day! Good Idea.


Also I'm bored with Webkinz


Seed: Erika...

Erika: Uh-huh...

Seed: I love Sarah...

Erika: Are you thinking of...


Erika: Here is a ALOT of Gotchi Points, *hands money over to Seed*

Seed: Thank you Erika.

Seed goes out and buys an engagement ring for Sarah


Sarah: What is it you want to show me Seed?

Seed: *smiles and takes Sarah to a big tree in Patchi Forest*

The tree has SEED+SARAH=♥ AAF cut in it, as well as a nail with the ring on it.

Seed: *holds both of Sarah's hands* Sarah, Will you marry me?

Sarah: *crys* I thought you'd never ask!

Seed puts ring on Sarah's hand and kisses her gently

Erika: Did she accept?

Seed: Yup!

Polly: Your...

Dusty:...Engaged! Right On bro found your girl! *highfives*

Windy: Thats wonderful!

*Everyone hugs Seed*

Sarah: *walks in house* Hi, everyone.

Dusty: There's the fianCE!! Woo! How's my future sis-in-LAW!

Sarah: o_O; I see you told them...

Polly: This calls for a party!

Erika: Oh YEAH!

Everyone dances to this song and they do the dance.

EDIT: Chose high quaitly near the bottom Its like 10000X better

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I was searching for Tamas, and memorys of my previous Tamagotchis rolled in. I'm putting them in this table:

|Version|Shell Design|The Memories...|

|My V.1|Orange Burst|I started the tama craze with this guy at my school...|

|My V.2|Yellow Butterflys|I my freinds tama and mine got married|

|My V3|Silver Shell|The screen broke when it fell :) |

|My V3|I dont know|I got the frakenstien rare charrie!|

|My V4|Rising Sun|I got a young doritchi :) |

|My v4.5|Earthy| Its active!|

|My V5|Sing a song| Active!|

Today is the day of Seed's wedding, it's taking place in an apple orchard. All the trees were in bloom and the petals were falling off. Seed was waiting paitintinly at the end of the ailse for his bride. Seed's best man was Dusty and Windy and Polly were among the bridesmaids. Finnaly Sarah was walking up the aisle, wearing a classic white wedding dress, with a black ribbon around the waistline.

After the two took there vows, the leaned in for the kiss. Dusty was holding back tears despratly. As Sarah and Seed shared there long passionate kiss the evolved into Papapatchi and Mamapatchi.


Sarah: Seed, come into the bedroom, for a sec...

Seed: *chuckles* All right

Sarah: Not that, sugar...

Sarah took Seed into the bedroom, and on the bed

Seed: EGGS!


V5 Stats

Hungry:♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Happy: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Bonds: 0%

Kuchi Family

Gen 2

140 GP


Drake & Justin-Males-Chibipatchi



V4.5 Stats

Hungry:♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Happy:♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Training: [oooo'ooo...]

c: 48

* 28

& 87

51 pounds

210 GP


My V4.5 (Polly)







Justin and Drake were playing with dinkie cars.

Drake: Vroooomm!!

Justin: Cwash! Boom! Wa haha!

Drake: *throws car in air*

Kurte: *cooking* *hit in head with dinkie* OW! *rubs head*

Polly: *walks in house* Hey Everyone!

Drake&Justin: *gasp* :eek: AUNTIE PWOLLY! HAWAY!

Kurte: Hi Auntie! *Takes soup of burner*

Erika: Hi Polly! How was work?

Polly: Hard, you try driving a bus load of toddlers and teenagers home from school! :huh:

Erika: *laughs*

Kurte: Auntie, your right on time! Soups done!

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Okay, I'm going to organize this with my sister tomorrow. Her Tamas evovled today. Kurte can get married to Cherry Blossom (CB for short), And I'll recive the eggs. Then she can get the meme family! The Bliss carries on Phantomtown! Wh00t!

Polly: Hi Seed!

Seed: Hey Polly.

Polly: Guess what!

Seed: What?

Polly: I had a baby!

Seed: Really?! I'm so happy for you! Let me see my new nephew or niece!


Kurte: He's adorable, Auntie!

Erika: Aww....Whats his name?

Polly: Jet.

Erika: Thats a nice name, Jet....

Drake: Why didn't you ewovle Awuntie?

Seed: She's a V4.5, There can only be one Tamagotchi at a time in the shells, so she will have to leave soon....*hugs Polly*

Polly: Sadly, yes, thats true, But I know for sure Erika will take good care of my little Jet!

Sarah: What did the father look like?

Polly: He was a Ura Kuchipatchi.

Justin: Whats ****?

Polly: He looks like Kurte, but with a horn on his head!


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