Pet peeves?


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Well-known member
Aug 29, 2009
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The question is simple, what are your pet peeves?

For those who don't know, a pet peeve is something that gets on your nerve or annoys you.

One of my pet peeves are when people at school "teach" me on the computer. Like in my old school, my classmate tries "teaching" me PowerPoint (in 3rd grade) though I figured it out ON MY OWN. (I made a totally different PowerPoint from everybody, it was looser, like it was more chatroomy.

- When teachers fail at computers. Like the labrarian and also computer teacher got onto the district library site, but it told her to log in, and she said "Hmm, Let me try refreshing it" and I was like yelling "JUST PRESS CANCEL" and then like 5 minutes later, she says "Lemme try pressing cancel... AH! It works!". Also, when they have to google a site, even if the url is like the same ex: twitter -->

- People failing to understand things the first time theyre explained things

- When people lack common sense. Today in math, this guy asked the teacher "What do you mean by realistic?" And the teacher said "how many books do you think would actually be able to fit on the shelf?" and he said "I don't know!" so I said "Go count them" and he said "Really?!" and I then told him "No, idiot, use your common sense." Believe it or not, he's the 2nd smartest kid in the class.

- People who narrate their lives.

As you can see, I'm a very impatient person.

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- When people smoke. MOST. ANNOYING. THING. EVER.

- When girls are all ''omg I got a pimple'' or ''omg I broke a nail''. x'D

- Teachers who muck up. Similar to Weiwei's thinggies.

- People who think they're better than you.

- When my pencils break.

- Pens that don't work.

- Bradie haters. :'[

- When people smoke. MOST. ANNOYING. THING. EVER.- When girls are all ''omg I got a pimple'' or ''omg I broke a nail''. x'D

- Teachers who muck up. Similar to Weiwei's thinggies.

- People who think they're better than you.

- When my pencils break.

- Pens that don't work.
Same here. xD

(hey, its already my 102th post!!!)

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When people ACTAULLY bother to put http//:www. in front of the webside url. (ex. http// lnstead of just putting the website. (ex. GOD IT WORKS EITHER WAY, I'M JUST TRYING TO SAVE YOU A FREAKING TWO SECONDS xD

When people only use on or two fingers to type instead of at least 8. It's annoying. Like when my dad types, he only uses one finger, and I'm like "Dad. Just let me type for you allready" Honestly, it annoys me to watch people type like that xD

When teachers don't pick me to read for the textbooks. ._. yeah, that annoys me.

When teachers don't pick me to do something for them on the computer

When people try to feed me "chicken" and it turns out to be fish or turkey.

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When people text slow xD

My dad had to text his co-worker, so I was with him, so I'm like "DAD HURRY UP. YOURE SO SLOW. Want me to type it for you..?"

Edit;; And this reallyreally bothers me for some reason - Super heavy mainland China mandarin accents xD

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。Bad grammar

。Obsessive Twilight fans

。Stupid questions


I really really really hate it when people use 'gay' or 'homo' as insults.

I also hate people who thinks doing drugs is cool.

- text moms

- people who take too many of those 'above shots' of themselves

- heavy French-Canadian accents

- nails down the chalkboard, ohmygoodness.

- bald children

- TLC reality TV shows, (Police women of broward county, Say yes to the dress, 18 kids and counting, etc)

there xD

edit- oh, and when someone comes over and they're too shy to ask for a drink, or tell me what they want to do, yeah.

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My number one pet peeve is when people talk behind my back, or insult me over text/teh internetz, but won't say anything to my face. I respect opinions, but a lot of the time I want to know the reasons behind them to see if I can fix things, and if it's not worth defending or even just explaining face-to-face then don't tell the whole world about how EVIL AND MEAN I am, and don't harass me about it. I have no idea how many confrontations I've had that went down like this: I say, "So, you hate me?" They say, "No!" I say, "Orly. Because just five minutes ago you told me over text to go die." Them, "I didn't really mean that! Haha! -hurriedly walks away then texts me about how mean I am-"

Also, when people over-compliment me. It only ever happens in real life, and it's always because they're lying to get on my good side or because they want something from me, and it makes me feel like I'm exactly the opposite of whatever the compliment stated.

When salespeople watch my every move to make sure I don't steal something. Although I understand it, it's just annoying, especially because I don't ever shoplift.

People who consistently go on about how people who do drugs or smoke, have eating disorders, drink, and everything else that the general portion of society frowns upon, are horrible people and deserve to die/go to jail/be shunned from society. I mean, I get it, obviously those aren't good things to get into, but people don't seem to understand that not everyone has the same personal opinion on the subject and everyone has the choice to make their own decisions and choose their own paths, as long as they are willing to accept the consequences and results of that choice.

Haters. Miley Cyrus haters in particular. Not much lately, now that she's directed towards a more broad audience and is a more serious actress and song artist, but back when she was just a Disney Star, nothing more. When adults or teens would be all, "she has no talent, I hate her, she should diee!!" Because it was like, WTF? You are hating on the star of a children's show. It is intended for eight year old girls. It was like writing a review for spongebob, saying the jokes weren't intelligent enough. Spongebob isn't supposed to give you any intellectual benefit, and Hannah Montana was not made to impress anyone over the age of thirteen.

I need to get started on my math homework, so I'm going to shut up xD

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- When people smoke. MOST. ANNOYING. THING. EVER.- When girls are all ''omg I got a pimple'' or ''omg I broke a nail''. x'D

- Teachers who muck up. Similar to Weiwei's thinggies.

- People who think they're better than you.

- When my pencils break.

- Pens that don't work.

- Bradie haters. :'[
Try living with parents who smoke and when most of your aunts and uncles and cousins smoke. B)

I hate...

-Stuck up girls "omg i broke a nail i have to go get a manicure!"

-You (jk!)

-When my socks won't go on

Lots more...

My number one pet peeve is when people talk behind my back, or insult me over text/teh internetz, but won't say anything to my face. I respect opinions, but a lot of the time I want to know the reasons behind them to see if I can fix things, and if it's not worth defending or even just explaining face-to-face then don't tell the whole world about how EVIL AND MEAN I am, and don't harass me about it. I have no idea how many confrontations I've had that went down like this: I say, "So, you hate me?" They say, "No!" I say, "Orly. Because just five minutes ago you told me over text to go die." Them, "I didn't really mean that! Haha! -hurriedly walks away then texts me about how mean I am-"
Oh god I know your pain. My friends are exactly like that when they fall out with me. I absolutely hate it when I hear them talking about me, because they could be revealing secrets I don't want the other person to know or anything. I never trust them with secrets anymore because I just KNOW they're gonna tell people when we fall out.

People who consistently go on about how people who do drugs or smoke, have eating disorders, drink, and everything else that the general portion of society frowns upon, are horrible people and deserve to die/go to jail/be shunned from society. I mean, I get it, obviously those aren't good things to get into, but people don't seem to understand that not everyone has the same personal opinion on the subject and everyone has the choice to make their own decisions and choose their own paths, as long as they are willing to accept the consequences and results of that choice.
I totally agree with you on this one. It's not even the person's fault if they have an eating disorder. It's a MENTAL CONDITION, not just "ZOMG I WANNA BE THIN LIKE ALL DA OTHER GIRLS!!!111!". Half the time it's not even about being thin. Another thing about the eating disorder thing it when there's like, a normal girl/boy who's anorexic/bulimic people are all "Oh poor thing I hope they get better" whereas if a celebraty has it it's all, "What a b***! They're such a terrible rolemodel for young girls!".

As for the drugs, I don't actually think they should be banned. It's not really the person's fault they're addicted, it could be due to depression or anything but what do they do? Throw them in jail. If the government makes sure that people are educated on the risk of drugs (without exaggerating, 'cause some of that's just stupid) then they should be able to do them, if some one wants to wreck their life that's their own choice. I heard somewhere that this could actually decrease the amount of people taking drugs if they're legalised, like a teenager might stop binge drinking when they turn eighteen because then they can just walk into a shop and buy drinks rather than the "thrilling, rebellious" feeling of sneaking them.

For the drinking and smoking, well I personally hate being "smoked" (some one's smoking nearby and I end up breathing it in and having a coughing fit) so doing it inside is a bad thing, but smoking in open areas is just fine in my opinion. They can do what they like.

Okay, more pet peeves...

When adults freak out over the internet, like if you have an internet friend you're kind of close too and you phone and all that, they simply MUST be a ****. I mean jeez, I know that there's some creeps on the internet but there's also the nice people who, like you, just want a random chat with a random person.

Extremists. Enough said.

Hypocrites. Like a certain person I know who called me a whale when they actually weigh more than me and look what they weigh, whereas I look less than I weigh. I'm not going against big people here, just saying like...gawd. There's also the teacher screaming, "BE QUIET!!!" When me and my friend are just muttering amongst ourselves about the work.

I also hate it how the government's taking this anti-rascism thing waaay too far, like banning "Bahh Bahh Black Sheep" and making it "Bahh Bahh HAPPY Sheep". WTF?! I don't think the song's even intended to be rascist, seeing as you DO actually get black sheep. It's also like, a white person on TV says something mildly rascist as maybe, an Asian or something as a joke then they get banned from TV for life and the company gets a huge fine while there's a black comedian (forget his name) who constantly makes jokes about whites and doesn't get into trouble. I mean I KNOW we've put the blacks through hell in the past but Martin Luther King's work wasn't to make the blacks superior, it was to make all races EQUAL.

When people use chatspeak. I mean seriously, the odd spelling mistake's alright (I've probably made a few in this) and saying lol, XD, rofl, what ever but what's the point of "u" and "da" and all that? You have a FULL KEYBOARD, USE IT. There's a place for chatspeak, and that's on texts themselves. I actually saw some one saying "latter" instead of "later" and when I asked them why they said, "its lolspeek. its quiker.". WTF?! I thought "lolspeak" was meant to make words SHORTER, not longer.

When people assume stuff. Like when I moved to a new school and told the teacher I'm vegetarian, the class immediately assumed I was a hippy. Also when I happened to wear a skull cap to school once because I needed a hat, suddenly I'm the emo of the class.

Also, people who know NOTHING about music. Like one of my friends thought Green Day was emo O_O. Seriously, people in my school are so ignorant. They think anything that has a guitar in the background and isn't N-Dubz/Chipmunk/Lady Gaga or whatever crap is emo. I just feel like screaming, "IT'S CALLED REAL MUSIC YOU FRICKIN' MORONS!!!"

People who can't accept others opinion. Like this fangirl completely freaked out on me because I said I didn't like Twilight. It's not only getting freaked out on for not liking stuff that others like, it's also liking stuff that they don't. People are entitled to their opinions and freedom of speech, no matter how stupid or ignorant it is.

People who think I need anger management because I tend to loose my temper with them sometimes. No wonder, I'm surrounded by assuming, hypocritic idiots constantly.

People (paticuraly girls) who think they're just IT. Also know-it-alls who always correct you on everything you say/write/etc and people who always just HAVE to be right, even if it means twisting a story and making it a lie to prove their point that they're right and you're wrong.

Just how like, when an unpopular like me does/says something stupid or embarrassing, then it's "Jesus Christ on a bike, what a moron" but if a popular does something similar it's like, "Oh you're soooo funny!"

People who judge others on their looks. Like a fat person must gorge themselves daily, a very thin person must not eat at all, a blonde person must be blonde, a person with glasses/braces must be a nerd and well, you get what I mean.

People who think they're soooo funny but in reality they just make you face-palm (oops, I think I'm being a hypocrite now)

I've probably got more but I forget now and this post it pretty long anyway so I'll shut up for now.

EDIT: OH! When some one says something really mean and/or offensive then says "You're a fat freak. No offence" as if that's meant to make it not sound like an insult.

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Teahers who get somthing wrong and won't attmit it till you prove it(In science we are doing like living things classification and she said what else goes into fish my bff puts up her had and says shark she goes no it's mammal and tehn 2 miutes later someone elses puts up there hand and ays shark she says it a mammal then at the end of the lesson of of the guys shows her at the end of a lesson from the text book that a shark is a fish and she dson't say anything Grr)

people who judge people by there apperance

[SIZE=7pt]Scene kids. Enough said.[/SIZE]

Noob fans of Short Stack - those stupid girls who just think their hot and say they're fans. And the ones who have only heard Sway Sway Baby but claim they have the best music on Earth.

Seriously, you don't know anything about them. I'm a dedicated fan - I know every word to every song. And alot about them, I could write a book. I don't think there are any noob fans on TT, but if there is, I say Stack Up.

Sorry Dx

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People who think they're better than everyone else.

People who obsess over everything.

People who take friendship for granted.

Just some extras that I've thought of lately. [SIZE=7pt]I kinda obsess though. x'D[/SIZE]

when people text talk. its ok when you go LOL, OMG, and yeah but this "hey wats up wit ppl im ok u ok." I hate that

When people smoke

when people thing their "cool" or "awsome."

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