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Well-known member
May 18, 2013
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Does anyone else here have accessories or anything on your tamas?

I currrently have this Memetchi charm on my TF. :p


on some of my v3s and my v4.5 I have stickers on the back from an Irving gas station prize thing that they used to do in the summer. I wouldn't sell these tamas for much if I ever planned on selling them :p

I just make lanyards with beads to match the tama. Otherwise, no because I like to keep them original. ETA: The only exception I made to that is my black Tama Go. I took some royal blue glass paint and painted the backside of the clear faceplate with it. It really looks cool with light shining through it. I made a solid black paper faceplate. Really looks different, and unique. I use the original faceplate as a bookmark.

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My TMGC+c has a kuchipatchi bell and a kuchipatchi charm, I really like how the light green fits the light blue of the tamagotchi, they look nice together :)

Since Connection tamas are quite light and small, I prefer having a sort of keychain to help me hold them in my hands without making them fall. But since the metal one was scratching the screen, I made myself one with x-stitched fabric:


I'm planning to make many others so I can change them as I like them most ^_^ I even made one in color for my bf's tama.

Just a few official Tamagotchi charms on some of my Tamagotchis :) Like Mametchi and Himespetchi charms, and little flat charms with pictures of Yumemitchi and Kiraritchi on.

Since Connection tamas are quite light and small, I prefer having a sort of keychain to help me hold them in my hands without making them fall. But since the metal one was scratching the screen, I made myself one with x-stitched fabric:


I'm planning to make many others so I can change them as I like them most
I even made one in color for my bf's tama.
This is very cute! I've been hesitant to put a charm on for fear of scratching but this is a great idea, no scratching!

And it's also very quick and easy to make!! I'm actually making other two by using the TMGC Friends' Painaputchi and Bokuhoshitchi's sprites, recolored by me
I'll post a pic later. I just have to buy an orange thread so I can finish them

Thanks!! ^_^ And it's also very quick and easy to make!! I'm actually making other two by using the TMGC Friends' Painaputchi and Bokuhoshitchi's sprites, recolored by me ;) I'll post a pic later. I just have to buy an orange thread so I can finish them :)
Awww sounds cute, can't wait to see pics! I may have to try this eventually. I have so much thread it's ridiculous, I have no idea how I ended up with so much, lol!

I have a lanyard, if you count that as an accessory!

And a Gotchi Gear case as well. ^_^

I also remove the jump ring and keychain that the tama comes with, and replace with a tiny keychain type ring. Original beads like on Entamas and Uratamas remain. The keychain American tamas come with are much too heavy, and can scratch the tama badly.

I have lanyards in matching colors for all my tamas and I decorated my TF (leopard) with rhinestones all around. I also used a monkey sticker on my v4 which is brown-silver so it was hard to find a matching lanyard for.The TF had a few scratches here and there so I thought I could bling it out, ya know.

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