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Apr 2, 2010
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What would you do if you were walking home from school and there was a man/woman lying in the middle of the path not breathing properly?

In the average 20 year old man is 100-170 beats per minuets! So i would check his heart beats per minuet and if it is lower than 80 i would call an ambulance and i am asmatic so i carry around a inhaler and sometimes a air mask so i would give him my inhaler with the spare spacer and if that didnt work i ould put my mask on him and put my coat over him to warm him up and keep an eye on his puls :huh:

  • Depends.. if they were hot then I would kiss them. Of course, only if it was a guy. Call an ambulance probably. I'm no doctor.
I would call an ambulance. And then call people around me to come help in the meantime. And then.. just pray until the ambulance comes?

Very random :)

I would run home VERY fast, grab my medical book, run back, get help, steal the guys phone to call an ambulance and do what I can.


Put him/her into the recovery position, and do what my minor First Aid course last year told me to do.

Then I'd immediately call an ambulance.

I'm trying to understand where you got this first, "In the average 20 year old man is 100-170 beats per minuets!"

Unless they have tachycardia, are obese or were just exercising, the average resting pulse should be between 60-100 BPM.

Anyway, I answer about what everyone else did(including some less-serious suggestions).

Call 911, report what I see and current pulse, check for breathing, do CPR if needed and pretty much wait.

I would call 999 and ask for the ambulance then I'd scream for help and then would do whatever I could for him/her.

Then I'd be freaked out and stuff.

I have walked home to find my brother's freind's house on fire. That was scary. I was the only one with a mobile so I had to call 999(I had to pass it to the woman who was trying to help as I had no clue what to say to the people on the other side of the phone because I was in shock) and his mum was crying and fainting.

I'd panic. Of course. Then I'd check whether they were breathing, and if they're heart was beating propely, then I'd move then gently to a safe position, CPR for a bit (but not too long because I'd get out of breath and would pass out. Then I'd be the one lying on the floor), and then I'd get out my mobile and call 999 (as I live in England) and ask for the ambulance. I'd answer every question they asked properly, and I'd try CPRing, but if I'm out of breath I'd just put them in a recovery position. Then I'd wait for the ambulance to come and wouldn't go home until the person is safely in. If I didn't have my mobile I'd scream for help.

I usually walk home with other people so if I am at the time, I'd ask them to help me. If they don't.....well no offence but anyone who is willing to leave someone for the dead is heartless and I feel that's a SIN. How would you feel if you were dying but people were walking past and ignoring you? If I ever have children, I will sure teach them to stop.

Oh, and by the way if I thought the person was dead, I'd still carry on and call an ambulance. No giving up there!

Should this be in Seriously Non Tamatalk?

oka second questiong same thing but if he/she had a injury in his/her neck and leg what would you do ?

i would NOT move them cuz i could hurt them even more or parilize them from the neck down.

ring 999 straight away and keep an eye on the pulse


^ lol why are you asking this?

OK, if I found out they had a neck/leg injury (however I was able to do that)... call an ambulance, hopefully they would be there to help the poor guy O;

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