So many people
Well...I'll try to make a list. Hopefully I don't forget anyone. This isn't in any order either.
And before I begin, this is Leafpool xP
- Katie (kk445)
- Cinder (Cinderpelt)
- Pantsie (tamaw/pants)
- Uri (**UrItChI**)
- Ahlex (Mr.Brightside)
- Britt (Trainwreck)
- Soha (x.Soha)
- Wolfie (~GrayWolf)
- Tami (Tami Ghostie~*)
- Aiden (Temple Ghostie~*)
- Dmo (dmoquinn)
- Color (Colortchi)
- Desi (Tamagirl_Desy)
- Meweh (~Pokemon*Mew~)
- Charleene (Char)
- SK (Sweet Kandi)
- Sorlink (Sorlink)
- Dalton (MaybeTomorrow)
- Loden (Denver)
- Illey (illey12)
- Crys (Aerostella)
- Zuzi (iRawr.xx)
- Nix (Nix666)
- Sky (paper*cut)
- Phobo (Phobo)
- Kitty (tamakitty22)
- Sugar (~sweetxsugarxhaunting~)
- Ice (ice mountain)
Stephanie (x.MusicalClouds)
- Icey (Arizonaicedtea)
- DS (DemonSlayer5050)
- Rachel (x.Rachel)
- Fluffy (fluffums)
- TK (Goggle-Face)
- Nicki (GotchiGirl96)
- iRock (irock202)
- Locky (Locky458)
- PA (pixalangel)
- Jess (.
- SIE (shiba)
If I forgot someone,
please tell me DX
I'd love to meet everyone on TamaTalk, honestly. Those are just the people I especially want to meet x3