People who lie about getting abused!


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Well-known member
Jan 15, 2007
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Dont you just HATE it?.

I mean ya i get a smack or i have to go over ma mum,s nee and have the slipper but that aint abuse does any body TELL THE TRUTH get abused or just disiplened(like me)

Well wen my mum hoits me its not HARD its just a ;ittle bit

I can understand your frustration about this but all I can ask is that you keep calm about it... rather than hate it :mimitchi:

Some people just get a little confused or exaggerate a little too much.

You are right... the occasional little smack or slap is not abuse and most kids don't need to report their parents or call a Child Abuse Support line...

They may have confused general discipline with genuine abuse - but they may not be lying about it. Perhaps they have only misunderstood what abuse really is.

Some people just like to exaggerate on a forum like this or seek attention for themselves *shrugs* - there's not much you can do about it really (accusing someone of being a liar on TamaTalk is neither polite nor respectful and so is against the rules) :blink:

I'll leave this topic open for the moment because I hope that no one will start flaming or naming and shaming here...

my mom never shouts or hits me,she just takes stuff off me.

the last thing she took off me was my Wii

my mom never shouts or hits me,she just takes stuff off me.the last thing she took off me was my Wii
Oops... that was harsh :mimitchi: well, except we don't know what that punishment was for - so perhaps not so harsh ... lol... anyway, I'll bet it was more effective that beating you up :blink: I would hate having a Wii taken away...

the only time she takes stuff off me is when my room is a mess

Yea my parents only discipline me when I'm bad. They praise when I'm good though, so now I am the most well behaved ten year old ever everybody says. Yay! I like adults! Sometimes!

If I get disciplined it's just being yelled at pretty much, but it's not even yelling it's more like a "firm talking to". And those who lie about getting abuse are just crying for attention or maybe they need some help. Don't get angry at people or think that they are lieing because you don't know thier whole story. Maybe they are having troubles at home. Never assume the worst of people. That is what my mom always told me. *.-

Well really, it's important for your parents to discipline you. Look at your Tamagotchis: if you didn't discipline them right, would they grow into Mametchi or Mimitchi? Nope, they'd become ugly characters (no named mentioned). :D

So parents that punish you for doing wrong are doing it because they love you and want you to grow to the best person you can be! :p

(But if they hurt/spank/etc. you for no reason on a regular basis, call the cops. o.o; )

As for those that lie about it on forums to get attention...just ignore them and report them (to us, the Guides! xD). As long as they don't get any attention from it, they'll eventually stop.


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