People that try to be cool.


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Well-known member
Feb 18, 2009
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Okay, I don't know about you, but are there any people you know that just try to be cool, but they REALLY aren't? I know quite few. Here is an example: There is a boy, in my homeroom. He says all this mean/annoying stuff to sound cool, but to everyone else, hes just being an irritating jerk. I will explain more later, but I just want to get this topic started.

Yes. Many. It's the followers that annoy me. Attention seekers who try to mould themselves into someone who is their own individual. Those people end up annoying me the most.

Yes that can be very annoying. Alot of kids in my school swear and wear strange clothes just to impress people. If they were their self they would make more friends instead of looking like an idiot in front of other people.

Yes. Many. It's the followers that annoy me. Attention seekers who try to mould themselves into someone who is their own individual. Those people end up annoying me the most.
I used to have friend, shed change herself so others would like her, when I used to like her just the way she was, but I don't need friends like that, follower.

I tottaly Agree Fee Fee Bumble Bee. They just do that to attract attention. If they want attention so bad, they can normal. Lol. But, I just ignore them.

So I know it's hard to ignore them, but yeah, I don't want to get involved with them. ^3^

I tottaly Agree Fee Fee Bumble Bee. They just do that to attract attention. If they want attention so bad, they can normal. Lol. But, I just ignore them. So I know it's hard to ignore them, but yeah, I don't want to get involved with them. ^3^
I agree w/ her too.

I don't really notice it a lot. People just mostly do their own thing at my school.

Eh, so no, it doesn't really bother me. And I can see where people are coming from when they're trying. There's nothing wrong with wanting to be liked.

I hate when people try to hard to be weird just to quote "stand out." That really annoys me.

Yeah, be your own person, have your own opinions, but you don't have to act like a maniac to "be yourself" and to stand out. It's okay to be a normal person. o..o;

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You mean like... POSERS?! Ohyeah attention seekers, they suck. Like all the emo stupids at my school... >.>; Those are attention seekers... and well my brothers a poser... He tries to be black.. o__o;

I dunno.. I guess people act like well not themselves to get attention and populatity. They try too hard. lol.

**Please watch your language - TWP*

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Hate them. My bff turned into one =[, but the person shes copying actually likes her, cuz shes cute

Rawr, I dont really care.

I just wish people could be their own people and not worry about what people think of them. It seems like, dont try to hard to copy others, but dont try to hard to be yourself. Confuzzling...

Neh...there's not many at my school. Everyone just has their little groups and stick to that group. No one copies anyone really.

I hate when people try to hard to be weird just to quote "stand out." That really annoys me.
Yeah, be your own person, have your own opinions, but you don't have to act like a maniac to "be yourself" and to stand out. It's okay to be a normal person. o..o;
I agree all the way. We just have to be ourselves.

Mmmm, yes, hundreds of boys at my school are like that. I don't know any girls who do that. I wonder why. XD Naw, jk.

Girls don't do it cause their way of getting attention is just looking hot. Thats why popular girls are hot. And mean. Really mean. But people like them cause they're hot. Grr. I HATE people, sometimes. Hiss.

I'm a stand out at my school and I had one girl who tried and failed to be like me.

And then when she failed she did the 'I'm just cooler anyway' things and it annoyed me. Why waste my time on her? I just changed friends and thats how I got my totally individual Grace and Ash.


Those people annoy me so much, but It's so fun to watch them fail miserably.


Like this one guy named Adam thinks he's so smart and he spelt a word wrong, I was like 'ROFL EPIC PHAIL' :)

One of my *former* classmates Alvaro is such a show off.

He always tries to beat me in the lap; which he fails at.

He always goes, "How do you spell _____?" to see if I'm smarter.

And we did a splits contest and he's all, "I'm gonna win", but I beat him.

^^; Yay me.

My ex-friend. That's why I dumped her. She just wanted to talk about..

- private parts.

- boys.

and she was immature. Now she tries to be tough by acting like she's gonna beat some boys that are.. *cough* scared of her *cough* by following them with a really stupid look on her face. But she's not tough. I can beat her in an arm wrestle. And she's short.

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