Overall, what do you think of the Tamagotchi 4U


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Are you glad you have a 4U?

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Overall I can say I'm a bit disappointed, but I don't think the 4U is a bad version at all!

The things I'm disappointed with are:

· Icon Backgrounds, I like how there are 5 available anytime, but all of them are really ugly, I think they should have made them downloadable too

· Reduced House Customization

· Pointless connection features (such as the bingo) were given a space other important features could have taken (Cap icon or medicine for example)

· NFC Garden (I would have loved a Gardening shop SO much...)

That's all I don't like about the 4U, as you can see is not really that much, I still think is a really good version!! I love some of the new changes, such as the 2 days toddlers, also I like how now you have things for toddlers, they are not left out, that makes up for the teen stage disappearence ^_^

I also like all the new characters and how you can download even more, and how Kikitchi is back :)

On the other hand, I don't like the app being so picky, I LOVE the idea of having the app to download a lot of new content to our 4Us, and I really like the interface! But they only let us send files to our 4Us with certain mobiles, most people have mobiles with NFC, yet the app doesn't work, that is something that must be fixed, I don't wanna get a new expensive mobile just for a toy :(

Anyway, as soon as they fix the NFC problem the 4U will turn into an amazing version! mostly because all the downloadable characters :wub:

I'm gonna buy one for sure if Smartotchi and Lovesoratchi appear as downloadable xD

Thanks so much, guys. It's great to hear your opinions on the 4U. I got mine today (which was a great time since today is my 15th birthday) and so far, I'm finding it interesting.

I made this topic because I wanted everyone's voices to be heard on this matter, because we're ALL fans, right?

This is a bit late.... but I might be getting a 4U and I'm SOOOO pUMPed FoR iT To bE My oWN.

I've watched reviews on it and so far so good! I will vote when I finally get it!

Wow, it turns out me and 21 others have voted! This is great, guys!


I've got my 4U now and have had it for 11 days and it's really good! The shell designs are nice, and I'm really pleased to finally see a color Tamagotchi with customizable faceplates! Yes, I know, I know!


But that's not all, though. The gameplay is really good and so are all the new features. The animations are incredible and I love all the new characters!


I'm surprised at how much I'm enjoying this version. Not to mention: the touch 4u cards and downloadable characters really improve this version massively. There may only be ten built in adults but why would you need more than that when you've got downloadable ones?


What's it matter if it doesn't have a teen stage? The child stage is now 2 days long so it's not that big a problem.


And my overall review:



1. Characters and post adult forms

2. Downloadable content, the downloads app, touch spots and the use of NFC

3. Touch 4U cards

4. Gameplay, features and animations

5. Shell design and customisable faceplates





Looks: ★★★★★★★ - 7/7

Quality: ★★★★★★★ - 7/7

Content: ★★★★★★★ - 7/7

Overall: ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ - 21/21

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i was really excited when i got one, but now...

I really don't like how there are so little characters and items on it. There aren't even any destinations on it, and i really like the destinations :/

almost anything needs to be downloaded: characters, clothing, accessories, destinations,...

i'm a bit disappointed, but as for the stuff i like about it: the faceplate can be changed, it looks so pretty O_O, you can takl to your tama (even though i can't read japanese, so i don't understand a single thing what they're saying lol), AND IT HAS ORENETCHI CEGUIOY2ZI, and there are a few new animations which i like as well ^_^

overall, i'm not THAT excited about it anymore, but i still like having one for collection purposes, but the main thing that bothers me is te lack of destinations. i'd love to take one of my characters on a trip somewhere :/

that be my opinion #lel

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Hello! I have had my Tamagotchi 4U for about a month now. I am not able to use the App because I don't have the right phone or tablet. I DO have NFC on my DROID MAXX so I can get the random Easter Egg animations from bumping the two together, but I have yet to get the Slot Machine game.

Anyway.... I have looked, and looked, and so far no where can I find a DETAILED way of playing the Karaoke Game in the Park. I do just fine until they throw up both the A and B nearly at the same time, and one has the word and exclamation points with it, the other doesn't. I have tried selecting every combination I can think of when this comes up, but I always lose. Can someone PLEASE explain in dummy terms what to do to win this game?? Thanks much.

Hello! I have had my Tamagotchi 4U for about a month now. I am not able to use the App because I don't have the right phone or tablet. I DO have NFC on my DROID MAXX so I can get the random Easter Egg animations from bumping the two together, but I have yet to get the Slot Machine game.

Anyway.... I have looked, and looked, and so far no where can I find a DETAILED way of playing the Karaoke Game in the Park. I do just fine until they throw up both the A and B nearly at the same time, and one has the word and exclamation points with it, the other doesn't. I have tried selecting every combination I can think of when this comes up, but I always lose. Can someone PLEASE explain in dummy terms what to do to win this game?? Thanks much.
I don't know how to win that game either D: It's so frustrating

You hold it to an Nfc capable device a set amount of times to change the garden.

I think the 4U would be a whole lot better if they made it compatible with more NFC-enabled devices rather than just those few brands/models. Compatibility with Samsung & Apple phones would be great really!

I like my 4U, just that I wish it was compatible with my S4, so I can download more characters and stuff...maybe the 4U+ may have that?


I give it 4 stars. Pretty good with my expectations and less needy than anything else. Thanks, Bandai JP for this wonderful Tamagotchi. :) Worth buying on Amazon for me.

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