Over Religious friend?


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FTR, I'm not Athiest.
I wasn't saying anything about the religion as a whole, and I do not recall ever mentioning that all people with this religion think that way. I was talking about an individual. :/

What happened to reading?
I wasnt talking to directly to you just trying to make a point...sorry.

I don't really like people who are that religious that it's annoying. You should keep all that to yourself, because other people might believe someone else than you. They might feel offended. :huh:

I agree completely with x Rain x Hazard x here on this one.

Seriously, the kid is annoying, and if anyone thinks otherwise, you go right ahead but if I get preached to like x Rain x Hazard x is being preached to, I am not going to be a happy person >____>

You may think this is rude, but so is preaching religion down someone's throat all. Day. Long.

It's like being overfed.

I mean, goodness.

People like that need to shut up.

I do understand.

Get this too, they bought a capture card one day, and it arrived their house. And I asked them could you capture some videos for me? They're response "I can't promise you any videos, but I can promise I will pray for you" (because they were suggested to say away from electronic things) Ugh!

It's so annoying, I feel as though I should snap on them.. I was provoked to it d once. >__> TDF & Becca Juice thanks for your comments.

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Any day I can get praised for crude criticism is a good day. ;3
Any time.

The person talks like god is part of them, and their brain, when it's just his imagination in my opinion.. I'm sorry, that's what really annoys me. >__> Sorry for posting so much in my topic.

And another things they say is like "God is looking over you" and some more crap like "God wants you to speak up and pray, and says people who don't pray or speak up are controlled by the devil or whatever".. ugh..

yup. like all my friends go to church and i dont.so at my friends sleepover they prayed before they ate and i was embarresed cuz i didnt know what to do :blink: !

and one time at my school all out of no where i saw i guy in my class preying near a tree and i told my friends and they said " so i prey too" i stood in silence. so sad for me.....

im not saying its over the top but just saying it feels weird sometimes and stuff... :(

Those are the types of people I just tend to not befriend at all.

I don't mind religious people, when they keep it to themselves. When it becomes an open discussion, 'I'm right, you're wrong' thing I get annoyed.

The only thing I can think of to say to this guy that's 'polite', is to tell him that he may be religious, but because you aren't you would prefer it to not come up in conversation.

Let him know that it bothers you, but be polite about it.

Unfortunately there are people in this world who don't know how to take hints, so that could be a possible downfall to your attempts or even a friendship.

Personally though, I wouldn't befriend someone like that and I wouldn't take what they say to heart. I would try my best to ignore it, but I have a very short fuse when it comes to religion/religious conversation.

He does sound quite annoying by how you've described him, and I'm sorry you have to put up with that kind of thing.

that's not religion, that's BS. Just tell them to please stop with the silly religion talk, and that it's annoying you.
its not bs...

religious people are awesome!!!

don't you think the most important thing in the world is to get to heaven?

its going to be harder if we never talk about it.

and it shouldn't be annoying when we do.

I haven't been on tamatalk 4 like a year, and I just got on today to help spread christianity and help people believe!! and to add the paramore/flyleaf/I <3 Jesus to my signature, so don't say talking about religion is silly or anything bcuz God thinks it's cool!!!


Your signature is awesome! that's let the flames begin by paramore!!!

u rock, cya!!

My grandmother says that having no religion is wrong and I'm only saying it to make her mad

that annoys me ^

try to get them on a new topic as soon as they talk about god

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that's not religion, that's BS. Just tell them to please stop with the silly religion talk, and that it's annoying you.
That was rude, and totally uncalled for. :huh:

Sorry, comments like that really bug me. Back to the problem, stay polite and respectful but tell them that you'd like to talk about something else besides religion - something you're both really into! :eek:

~Good luck!

Hate to say it but I agree with x rain x hazard x.

I was in this position once but this girl was wayyy more religious.

She screamed abuse and threw things at the science teacher just for believing in the big bang theory and not God.

Sometimes you have to be blunt.

What happened to reading?
People came to despise it because it proved them wrong, so they skip it all together.

Tell then that they need to stop, its annoying.

It's your choice on whether or not to say it nicely, just say it how you want.

Personally, I agree with Rain Hazard, easy as that.

If they refuse, well, screw them.

its not bs...religious people are awesome!!!

don't you think the most important thing in the world is to get to heaven?

its going to be harder if we never talk about it.

and it shouldn't be annoying when we do.

I haven't been on tamatalk 4 like a year, and I just got on today to help spread christianity and help people believe!! and to add the paramore/flyleaf/I <3 Jesus to my signature, so don't say talking about religion is silly or anything bcuz God thinks it's cool!!!


Your signature is awesome! that's let the flames begin by paramore!!!

u rock, cya!!
Okay, this is one thing I want to point out.

In theory, if the bible isn't a load of BS and what it says is true.


Jesus had an encounter with lucifer in which jesus was accused of bribing people into becoming christian. Jesus said that he wasn't bribing people to become christian and he wanted everyone to have the right to believe or not.

and as you just said, you are spreading christianity which is basically bribing people. Therefore you are going against the wishes of Jesus.

This heaven cr@p is quite pathetic actually.

No-one knows if there is a heaven or hell, it's just what is written in the bible.

To be honest, in my opinion I think the bible was created to keep little kids out of trouble and it turned into some psychomaniac book which brainwashes people into believe all of it.




Answer me that!

This is a topic discussing how to explain to an over religious friend that they are being over religious.

It is not a discussion about whether God exists or not.

Please stay on topic?

Thanks :wacko:

Those are the types of people I just tend to not befriend at all.I don't mind religious people, when they keep it to themselves. When it becomes an open discussion, 'I'm right, you're wrong' thing I get annoyed.

The only thing I can think of to say to this guy that's 'polite', is to tell him that he may be religious, but because you aren't you would prefer it to not come up in conversation.

Let him know that it bothers you, but be polite about it.

Unfortunately there are people in this world who don't know how to take hints, so that could be a possible downfall to your attempts or even a friendship.

Personally though, I wouldn't befriend someone like that and I wouldn't take what they say to heart. I would try my best to ignore it, but I have a very short fuse when it comes to religion/religious conversation.

He does sound quite annoying by how you've described him, and I'm sorry you have to put up with that kind of thing.
Yes, I agree.

How about the people who incorporate religion in to every single topic you talk about?? :huh:

That is just over the top. I can't be around them at all.

There are people who come and go in your life. It's ok. Sometimes you just need to speed along the GOING part. I would run the other way. I can't take it when people insert GOD, Jesus, The Lord, Allah. OMG, have you seen Talk shows from the Middle East?? I think it must be a law that they have to say "Praise Allah" at least every 2 minutes.

It's just sad.

I agree with x Rain x Hazard x I dont have a religion and I dont really want one your friend seems annoying my friends make wme do that hand cross chest thing if I say oh my god Its annoying I tottaly respect people who are but if they keep bringing it up it gets annoying nto every has to be about the bible.

Okay, this is one thing I want to point out.

In theory, if the bible isn't a load of BS and what it says is true.


Jesus had an encounter with lucifer in which jesus was accused of bribing people into becoming christian. Jesus said that he wasn't bribing people to become christian and he wanted everyone to have the right to believe or not.

and as you just said, you are spreading christianity which is basically bribing people. Therefore you are going against the wishes of Jesus.

This heaven cr@p is quite pathetic actually.

No-one knows if there is a heaven or hell, it's just what is written in the bible.

To be honest, in my opinion I think the bible was created to keep little kids out of trouble and it turned into some psychomaniac book which brainwashes people into believe all of it.




Answer me that!
It is not bribing.. I will not give you anything if you become a christian. I do not believe i'm doing anything that Jesus wouldn't want, he wants everyone to believe in him and God of course! I am just witnessing to people, trying to let them know that God is real, something had to create the universe, right? and an answer to your question, God didn't have to be created, he has existed forever, that's just too hard for humans to fully comprehend.

*binary: page stretch removed*

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