Uh... I'm not sure yet. xD
I usually pick out my clothes right before I go to bed at night - so I can just grab them and throw them on in the morning. If I didn't do that, I'd end up wearing pajamas to school every day. xD
Well... I got this grey sweat shirt from American Eagle for Christmas, but it was too small. I went to the mall and exchanged it for store credit today, and got this blue fleecy sweat shirt that zips up. It has a faded navy blue flower on the side. I don't usually shop there - I was pleasently surprised to find something that I really like. :furawatchi:
Now that you've heard my life story, I'm planning on wearing the following tomorrow...
- New American Eagle sweat shirt.
- If my dark-wash-slightly-faded skinnies are clean for tomorrow, then I'll wear those. If they aren't then I'll wear my light wash boot-cut jeans.
- White tank top.
- Panic At The Disco tee - white with blue lettering.
- Any bra that I can find.
- Any socks that I can find... preferably ones that match.
- Underwear that are light blue and have rainbows and storm clouds on them.
- Black converse, as always.
For my hair.... well, I may try to straighten it while I'm watching Grey's here in the next 45 minutes, but it's still pretty wet from my shower. And I hate straightening my hair when it's wet.
So if it's not straightened... it depends on how it looks in the morning, actually. If it's pretty straight-looking (Or I actually straightened it the night before), then I'll add a bit of volume and bow. If it's looking terrible, I'll put it into a slick pony tail - with a bit of extra hair from my crown wrapped around the pony tail holder. It looks a little sleeker that way. And I'll toss my bangs to one side and bobby-pin them.
Make up... I think I'll wear my neon blue eye liner tomorrow. And of course, foundation and mascara too.
And, since it hasn't been above freezing here in over two weeks (O:<

, I'll wear my black and red plaid peacoat (<3~!) with my faux cashmere black and white checked scarf.
Hm... I think that's it. :furawatchi:
EDIT: Typo, as usual. Lol. xD