Osutchi and Mesutchi Logs


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Well-known member
Dec 21, 2010
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Hello Guys, I will be receving my Tamagotchi Osutchi and Mesutchi in the post either tomorrow or the days after. I will be posting on here and I will include pictures taken from my ipod. Thanks


Today I waked into my house and on the side I saw a package addressed to me and instanly I knew what it was. It was my osutchi and mesutchi. I ordered them a few days ago. (Saturday) I am very pleased with them as they are in mint condition but have been used once just to test them. So anyway, I started them up and set the time and then after about 5 minuets they hatched in Kuritchi.

So he is really needy. He empty's 1 happy about every 10 minuets and the same for hungry. I looked after him and played a few games and then he pooped and got sick and finaly changed into MohiTamatchi.Well as I set the time 1 hour ahead of the actual time, they went to bed at around 7pm insted of 8 because I need him to get up at 8am for me so that I can put him on pause for school. Anyway that's all that has happened today so I can't really say much untill tomorrow. I wonder what will happen? I guess I will just have to wait and see.


Today I woke up and the first thing that happened was I was sick. I was really ill and the room was spinning so I was unable to go to school. I did however manage to keep Osutchi and Mesutchi going while I am ill. I have slept all day and have been waking up to feed them and give them discipline. Even though they were hatched at the same time, they empty hearts at different times for some strange reason. Anyway the discipline meater is full on both of them and they went to be full on everything. They should wake up at 8:00am tomorrow and I will post at around 7pm with pictures tomorrow or the day after, so until then, I depart


