Orphan toddlers


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:furawatchi: said, "We MUST hurry! we just haven't got time for this!"

The tamas cleaned theirselves up and look at the volcanno. It was rumbling terribly. So...

They all took a deep breath and.................................................................................................................................................................

their was no more hope it blow owtlava..............but it was red jelly beans. ;) eatsome"thise is good chary flaver" :huh: seid"meaby we can use some of thise to get theme.ohI almost almost almost to to say my name my my my name is bod."

:eek: sied aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

:angry: whate

:wacko: I I I had A a bad dream ANd aND I thINk ITs real!!

:unsure: was it abut the evil tamas.

:wacko: yes.

:huh: I thenk we have to move for are safty in case it was a real dream.

everyone sied ok.

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