Opinion on Social Media?


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Well-known member
Jun 4, 2014
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I want to know what your opinion of social media is. I'm currently trying to fight a bad compulsive Instagram-checking habit, and I just need your inspiration.

I have social media accounts, but they tend to be under used, which is good. I don't tend to enjoy social media that much, but i don't hate it.

Honestly, I think they're annoying, yet I cannot stay off of them for the life of me. I try to stay off of facebook as much as possible, instagram is okay, twitter is rarely used and any others I don't bother checking.

They can be extremely addicting, though that's not always good.

I try to stay off of them as much as I can! (which is so difficult)

I think most people let them rule their lives, and can't do ANYTHING without checking their social sites. Personally, I hate them. What happened to talking face to face with someone? Mostly everyone I work with is on their social network during downtime, and forget about saying anything to them. They just give you a dirty look if you do. I, myself, have lived very well without them, and will continue to do so. It's a waste of time.

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Well, yesterday I deleted the Instagram app off my phone, hoping it would curb my habit. Do you think I made the right choice?

^^^Definitely. It's a step in the right direction. People lived just fine with none of this silly stuff for many years. It's really just a convenience, but for most people today, it's their life, and I think it's terrible.

Social media is fine if you use it sensibly.

Trouble is, people let it take over their lives, to the exclusion of almost everything else.

I don't have a problem with any apps / online groups etc.

I do have a problem when I am trying to have a conversation with someone - or am doing one to one training at work and I can see that the person is not really paying attention because they are constantly glancing down at their phone.

Think about it - just because a message is "instant", it doesn't mean you have to respond instantly.... ;)

I've asked all my family not to bring telephones to our dinner table or to reply once to instant messages that they are with family and will get back to the person later (when they are free).

I would recommend that you think about trying to work harder on your self control to curb your habit rather than just deleting stuff ;)

Thanks! @TamaMum I reinstalled the app on my phone, and I'm working towards checking it once a day or every other day.

Eh, I use FaceBook sometimes (for the Tamagotchi groups) but I have more interesting things to do like playing with Tamagotchis and talking to friends. Most social media sites bore me. :p

personally i think social media is great! i dont usually use facebook, but i use other websites :0 ! its nice because you can meet a lot of people all over the place and form a lot of new friendships and maybe even learn new things about other cultures!! ive met so many people from different places and learned a lot of interesting things! its a great thing if youre lonely/shy irl like me. i wouldnt recommend taking social media with you /everywhere/, since it might be a little overloading sometimes.

if you want to stop getting on social media so much maybe try consciously putting your phone/device down?? i wouldnt know how to fix it since i take small breaks from the internet each day and just chill and listen to some music or draw a picture. maybe you could try taking a solitary walk if you get jittery without using instagram? sorry if its not much help

I hate social media. Like, it's sad seeing people hunched over their phones all the time. People can't do anything without checking Instagram or Twitter or whatever their friends are on first. I mean its cool and all if you use it in moderation but honestly people rarely do. Life is a lot less fulfilling when you spend the majority of it staring at a screen... and for what? So you can see what all your friends are doing? Its pointless to me.

social media is like my life now. im less awkward that way too. its sad to say i can navigate the internet better than the outside world xD i hate some things people say on the internet but social media is how i socially interact. did i mention how socially phobic and awkward i am?

I'm currently trying to fight a bad compulsive Instagram-checking habit, and I just need your inspiration.
i would do what i usually do when the internet is taking over my life--log out. keep your distance for a few days. when you feel your life come back together log back in. it might be frustrating, but that helps me with grades and focus.

I'm sadly addicted to Facebook. From the moment I wake up, I check Facebook, and then before I go to sleep I check it. I'm constantly on it in between. I personally don't feel that there's anything wrong with me wanting to go on Facebook. What people do with their lives, is their business.

Yeah. I'm (still) fighting the urge to check Instagram every second of the day..It's hard..

I had a FaceBook, Twitter, Wattpad, Tumblr, and WeHeartIt a year ago. And deleted all of them. I found it a constant hassle-no offense-and I feel all people care about now is who gets the most followers, likes, and etc. Well that's how my schoolmates use social media.

All I have now is my TamaTalk and Instagram account but I post every week or so... not all the time on IG.

Social media is a great thing to keep in contact with people if you don't go out that much or don't like to go out and meet people in person (which is my case), or if you have friends far away (which is my case too, sadly) and is also a great tool to know more people with your interests and maybe even make some friends, or even your partner. The thing is you have to use your social networks wisely. For example, lots of people I know in real life had Ask.fm accounts and all they did was make their private life a public thing. And that's not the problem really, the problem is the people that started to bother them with things that they knew hurt them. It's sad that we can't say whatever we want about ourselves, let people online know us a bit more, without persons coming to us and trying to make us sad. That's the reason I think one should never make some aspects of their lifes a public thing. And some of the people I know in real life that had those things happen to them started hating technology (though they still use it so I don't really thing they do hate it as much as they say...) and they don't realize that it's not the social networks or the technology that's bat, it's the people there.

So basically my thoughts on social networks is that they are great if you know how to use them correctly. It's not bad to go on the Internet everyday as most people think. It's as bad as watching TV daily; not bad at all. It's just that there's so much information here, so many people, you have to know how to use the tools the Internet provides you to do good things and also avoid bad people. It's not as hard as it sounds, too. And well, for me -a person who hates interacting with people in person, and has hated it even after having Internet and social networks- is a great thing. I don't have to go out, I don't have to force myself to meet people, I don't have to go to classes crowded with people and feel so out of place and just so, so bad, I can take classes here, on the Internet.

I don't really get why anyone would think social networks and the Internet in general is a bad thing, because honestly, it made our life so much easier and pleasant to live.

Yeah, I agree with you on that. Why do some people have to ruin the fun of social media?

Well, there's bad people everywhere you know? Go to a party and you'll probably find someone to bring you down too. It's just that on the Internet they're easier to come across because there's much more people, that's all. And that's why some people think it's only on the Internet, when bad people is literally everywhere.

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