Open the coconut


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*All of tamatalk's collective awesomeness makes the coconut explode*

gives the next person one fruit

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*wears it*

*coconut explodes for no reason*

*gives the next person a Nintendo Zapper*


*zippy zaps the coconut*

*gives the next person the screw to the back cover of a tamagotchi*


*slams down antenna*

The coconut asks why I did that

I say I want it to break

It says okay


*gives the next person a blanket*

*Wraps coconut in blanket causing it to overheat and explode*

*Gives next person a comic book*

*gives comic book to coconut, but coconut can't read so it explodes in frustration (even though it couldn't looked at the pictures).*

*gives next person a yo-yo*
*hides the yo-yo under the sofa and asks the coconut to find it*

*coconut can't find it, and explodes for that reason*

*gives the next person telekinesis powers*

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