While Joshua was in the US, he turned into a human. Then, he was chosen for the championship baseball team.
Then, when he was 23, .
After that when Joshua was 31, he called himself JIVER (Joshua Ivan Vila Estonios Rena) as his stagename. He wrote a few songs, they where You, a love song about when JIVER broke up with his Girlfriend Melanie , Universe above, a song about how Joshua's life is different,
Sin, a song about his body, Double Trouble (Changed by me) Danger Zone, Briden, and LOVEIN'. All
of those songs arein the Album titled, Bare. The cover has a picture of JIVER as a normal person swimming (i.e. No shirts and wearing trunks and a necklace).And since he couldn't sing & was single
he had singing lessons, & he had to go to a Matchmaker.
NOTE: I changed R+K=M to DT 'cause I meant
Red Karma goes to people who misbehave, did not know that, sorry missbehave. <_<
& M4E, try not to post in a sort of mean way please, and my name
is dmoquinn, not dmmquin.And, I'm young here, younger than you.