Oo! Shiny log^^


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I'm gonna post my Tamagotchis stats now!


Training: 1/9

Age: 0

Gender: girl... duh.

Weight: 11 lbs

Generation: 21! :)

GotchiPoints: 7,772


Training: 9/9!

Age: 4

Gender: girl... duh.

Weight: 26 lbs

Generation: 6

GotchiPoints: 1,481

Nya! Sorry, I've been posting a LOT today, but sometimes I get the Post-In-One's-Log bug and I HAVE to! :eek: Oh, and I'm now on page 9 for my log! Yay! :blink: Another few things I want to mention:

I was gonna name Katie 'Skye' not Katie, but I forgot :p

I finally named Hikaru and Kaoru's son and daughter, but theyre paused.

And here are the status's of all my tamas:

Gel V4- paused baby girl named ?Anna

Black with flames V4- Paused baby boy named ?Haku

Light blue V3- No battery, and I forgot what it was b4 the battery ran out.

Snake skin V3- No battery, a girl named Tiger and I forgot what character she is, all I know is its an adult.

Sunflowers V4- No battery, a Hanatchi girl named Mew?.

Pink with Flowers V2- You know already. Its Lizzy. ^_^

Grey with Grafitti V3- You know already. Its Katie. :rolleyes:


Thanks for commenting, its very much appreciated, I'm so happy people like this log... I thought it was boring! :p Anyway, I bring news! :D I was at my friends house, and Katie became a teen! Not what I wanted, or expected though.... Piririroritchi. :p Sorta cute. Hn.

My sister debugged her blue camo V3 yesterday!! Its so cool, she let me fast forward it by pressing button 'C'! Its wicked fun doing that! I think I'm addicted. :eek: lol

Here is Katie:

Hey!! This is Katie the Piroriroritchi! I hate the name! So hard to say but yeah I'm a teenager!! B) Hehe. Flame wwanted me to be a Patapatatchi instead cause that is her favourite teen next to Ichigotchi. Whatever. ;) Oh yeah! Flame bought me a plant today, I used it and it grew a sun at the top? :) Um... right.

Okay, I just had to say....

[SIZE=14pt]Happy New Year Tamatalk!![/SIZE]





Flame, Lizzy, and Katie!

I hope everyone here (and their Tamas!) has a wonderful 2008! ;)

I'm soo sorry for not updating!! :rolleyes: I've paused my tamas. yes, again. :D I'm just not into them at the moment.... Yeah.so, I'm very sorry people, but I probably won't reply near as much. ^_^

-Flame :D

Yay! I unpaused Katie! I'm sure shes gonna be a bad character though... :( anyway, I'll update later on today because I have to get off now!

Katie is sleeping.

I probably won't be able to update tomorrow until very late, or maybe even not at all, sorries.

Katie is an adult!!! ;) :eek: I'm soo happy with what I got, even if its a bad health character! I got: Kurokotchi!! I've never had it before, and I love it!! :) And Katie is now 4.

-Flame B)

-Katie :huh:

Nothing yet today with Katie.

I want to put a battery in my Snake Skin V3.

I lost my V2 (Lizzy, who is paused). :D

Yay! I put a battery in my Snake Skin V3! I downloaded and here's the stats of it:


Training: 6/9

Age: 4

Weight: 71 lbs :angry:

Gender: Girl

Generation: 5

Points: 9,948 GP

Type: Paparatchi

Yay! My Tiger... yep, a fatty :p I might as well put Katie's stats too.


Training: 7/9 (my tamas always seem to have not enough training points! that is something I'll work on next gen.)

Age: 4

Weight: Umm..... 99..... lbs. :mellow:

Gender: Girl

Generation: 21 (w00t!)

Points: 8,935 GP

Type: Kurokotchi

Now that I've got that done, how about I let them type? ;)

Tiger: Hey all! How are you? I'm just fine! I'm so glad that Flame put a battery in me now! I remember something, Flame's friend raised me from a child! I liked her. But I like Flame too! I'm going to check the shops with Flame. Okay, we went and I bouhgt grapes. Wow! I just checked my foods and snacks, and I have SO MANY! I forgot about that! I have mostly cupcakes! Babies love cupcakes, whee and I'll seve them for when I am a mother! I like the idea o being a mother. :lol: Katie and I are the same age. We've only connected once but already are good friends! I hope when our Matchmakers come one day, and after we leave, our babies can be friend also! Here's Katie:

Katie: Yo! Haha, Tiger you rambled (Just between you and me, she's a bit of a ditz! :lol: ). I do also hope our children can be friends. And, I too went to the shops. I got everything. There was a sale! I got 3 plants and one food but I don't remember what. Sigh. Nothing else to say, really. Tiger pretty much wrapped it up. :D

How adorable! They want there kids to be friends. B) lol

-Flame B)

-Tiger :lol:

-Katie ;)

Nothing yet! Except Katie turned 5 and Tiger is still 4!

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Nothing happened at all today. >_>

They're sleeping now, goodnighties!

Wow! a lot of thngs happened today! :D

I'll let the tamas tell:

Katie: Wow! Today was awesome! B) Well you see, I'd been bored all day, I was lying around, waiting... Then an old lady was suddenly all in my face, showing me the cutest male tamagotchi ever. He was that sheep one, I don,t remember the name, but the old lady is the match maker I'd thought so much about. I was really happy, and me and the sheep had a GIRL! :blink:

Tiger: OMG LIKE OMG! The same thing happened to me excpet I have a son! :eek: Me and katie want our babies to fall in love someday, WHEEEEE!!! :D :D :D :lol:

lol, my gosh. :p they sure are inthusiastic.

-Flame B)

-Katie :wub: and her daughter

-Tiger :p and her son

PS, w00t! page 10 already!

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Katie and Tiger are leaving in a matter of minutes!! :eek: AAH! Katie's leaving! She's staring at her daughter!! AND so is Tiger now!!!

Lmao! Their poses are hilarious! Katie looks like she's doing that Egyptian dance thing(only with no limbs actually touching the ground), and Tiger just looks insane! :( Although Paparatchi almost always looks insane...

Today was so fun! :D I was with my BFF for the whole day! And I took my tamas with me! Tiger had a bath-- THEY LEFT!! FLOATED AWAY! BYE!!! :eek:

I'll miss them.

Anyway, Tiger had a bath, and of course her baby wasn't visible. So I looked closely at her, and I saw a tiny black thing bobbing up and down and being hit by Tiger's hand! ;) I said "OMG She's drowning her baby!! :D " LOL! But of course, she wasn't! :(

Hello! Tiger and Katie's babies are awake and crying to be named. Exept I have no name ideas! :gozarutchi: Darn why didn't I think ahead? Sigh! :gozarutchi: Hmm.... While I think of names, I'll point out a useless fact about the babies. You see, as the girl cries, she keeps moving her head to the side (well, I guess her body, since babies are all head.), and the boy, just stays looking forward when he's crying. Okay, pointless speech over.

I'm gonna name them now. Okay! I named the girl Sarua (totally random... lol) and the boy Lucky. I just fed lucky a cupcake, the V3 baby's fav. food! He's so happy now. lol. And Now I fed Sarua one. You see, I make sure to always buy cupcakes in the store whenever I see them, since they're soo handy when your caring for the needy babies! :gozarutchi: And plus its so cute when they do that lil happy dance.

Here's Lucky *Luckys colour when he types will be: green:

hi im lucky. how ar yu? flame gav my a cupcak! i lov them ok i got to go bi! :gozarutchi:

lol! and here's Sarua, who's colour will be red.

i wana plai a game NOW :gozarutchi: oh and hy to al you pepl reeding :gozarutchi:

Well, I guess I'd better play a game with them, huh! brb while I do that. :gozarutchi:

back!! Oh noes... I lost the Get game I was playing with Lucky because suddenly Sarua got sick. and Lucky was sick too. theyre better now of course, but I'm gonna play a game for real now!BRB. back, and I lost when playing with Sarua :gozarutchi: anyway, I guess I'd better get off here, because I don't really plan on typing all the way through their baby stages, and because I want my full attention on them. see you when they evolve! :gozarutchi:

-Flame :gozarutchi:

-Sarua :gozarutchi:

-Lucky ;)

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YAY! they evolved! :D this is the outcome:


Sarua= Tamatchi


Lucky= Kutchitamatchi


I don't really like Tamatchi, even though its a good char, I get it way too much. but still I love my Sarua! and Kutchitamatchi... I love that one! :blink: And Sarua just beeped for nothing, meaning I had to give her a Time Out.

And for this generation, I plan to get good characters! :D Maybe even Mimitchi! yes, I miss good old Mimitchi...


Okay, here are my goals for this generation:

-Get good health teens. (I'm thinking Hikotchi (rocket feet) for either of them)

-Get full training.

-Get Mimitchi for either Sarua or Lucky or even BOTH. I'd love two of them at once!

Oh! and I forgot to say, that Lucky has the maximum Gotchi points! 9,999! yay! :mimitchi:

-Flame B)

-Sarua :D

-Lucky :unsure:


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