Ugh! I hate the direction this topic is going. I should have thought of this before I posted lol. I just think all the posts are going to be interfering with my personal love life.
Maybe it's not the "direction of the topic" that's upsetting you. It might just be that you are having to read about things and think about things in your relationship that you have not given serious thoughts to before.
Nothing posted here can interfere with your personal love life - assuming that you are in control of your own decisions. It is totally up to you whether you take note of any (well meant) advice from people who know you (and are clearly concerned about your safety).
Nothing posted here is any different from the usual online safety information and advice that appears all over the internet - or that is spoken about by adults/parents/teachers, etc. to young people in order to alert them to
potential dangers associated with
some online relationships.
Some of the opinions or suggestions posted
are in response to what you yourself have posted in this topic (and in some cases also relate to what info you share about your personal relationship pretty much every day in TamaCHAT).
Asking to see a photo of a
close online friend in a relationship like yours does not mean that you don't trust them and it is not weird. It's normal.
Not wanting to see a photo of a close online friend maybe shows that you are a little too trusting of others and in my own personal opinion, is a little unusual. Moreover, if your close online friend has not yet offered to show you a photo of themselves by now - or voice chat or skype, I have to admit that I find that unusual too - but it is just my honest opinion and not meant to sound harsh or mean.
You don't seem like a person who would meet an online friend face to face, alone, without a parent around (for safety), so what do your parents and family think about your relationship?