Well actually not all cats and dogs get along, in fact, they only get along well if they have grown up together e.g. grown up together since they were a kitten and a puppy. I have a dog and a cat and my cat chases my dog. Weird huh. And also its probably not a good idea to say 'i know more than u ppl' because you dont know anything about them. One person who posted on this forum may be a vet. Also, i am an animal freak too. Whenever i watch tv, i dont watch cartoon or stuff, i just watch animal documentaries, i also read a lot of non fiction books about animals.DON'T RUN OVER OR SHOOT THE CAT IT WOULD ONLY EAT A DOG IF IT HADN'T EATEN IN A MONTH OR TWO AND THATS A LONG TIME. AND DOGS AND CATS ACTUALLY GET ALONG VERY GOOD, THEY JUST PLAY A LITTLE, THATS ALL THE CHANCES OF THAT HAPPENING IS ONE IN A MILLION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am an animal freak, i know more than u ppl ( no offense ) but when i was little the only books i read was animal ones
Haha niceee.Snuggle the cat 'cause it's so cute.Then eat the rest of the hotdog 'cause I'm being starved by my family who thinks I'm fat. ): (Jks)
xD[shhhh, people are still figuring it out. >> << Lol.]
Actually I didn't know cats ate things like hotdogs. o_o
Or beef. Well, you kow. Hamburgers lol.
Poor kitty. DxOmg, I've just realised.
People are trying to separate the hotdog from the cat. xD
wtf?????????Poor kitty. Dx
Need some help with that job? I'd be happy to lend you a hand. >DID KILL THE STUPID CAT UGH I HATE CATS
i kno riteI would kill that darn cat too! if it was a kitten it would be a different sory xD.