Omg I got an "F"!


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I think you should try harder and study more for all your tests or still study even if you do not have one.

Ive never gotten an 'F.' Actaully,the lowest mark ever on a test and in my history of school is a 78% in Social.

ive never gotten Fs on midterms or term grades, but ive had Fs on assignment before...

I've never gotten an F on a report card, however I've gotten Fs on other things.
like what?

While I'm posting, I mightas well say that The lowest I ever got was a C.

Then I moved, and now I get number grades, usually 4's and 5's (1 being the lowest 5 being the highest)


I always get all A's. Lucky for me, it comes naturally, I barely have to work for it. I have been slacking on homework lately though... doing it at the last possible minute (i.e. the class before). Tama Sweets has been such a distraction for me.



Hey, nobody's perfect. The occasional F (or R) isn't going to ruin your whole mark, I'm not saying that getting F's on every report card is fine. Try getting some extra help in the areas you need it, because whether it's math or writing, you will most likely need to improve. Tutors should be availible, so talk to your Parents about it. ;) I hope everything gets back into place soon.

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