Omg I got an "F"!


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Well-known member
Dec 1, 2006
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<-------That Way------->
I got 2 F's on my report card, and there is nothing I can do to change it. Confrinces (sp?) are this week! Oh no! ;)

I've been dying for a kitty, and for sure my dad might not even think of getting me one, after months of begging, and me working hard for one! Oh stupid homeword! Omg, I KNEW that I should of done my homework but NO I just HAD to be unresponcible, and now ... *shivers*

Omg, this is ALL my fault *sigh* my stomich(sp?) drops every time I think of it....

no matter how many times I say "Omg why was I an idiot, it's all my fault, etc." It'll not change unless I WORK super hard for next quarter...

I don't want to get held back...

Have you ever gotten an F?

No but I once got close to one I once got a 68D which is one point away from a f but that was last year i'm doin better this year.

No, my lowest grade on a report cards ever was a C and my second lowest was a B-. I think I might have gotten an F on a few tests though. This quarter I got all A's, A-'s, and maybe a B+.

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6th grade I had straight Fs.

7th grade about 50% of my grades were Fs.

8th grade maybe 25% were Fs.

9th grade I flunked 4 out of 12 classes.

10th grade(for the time I was there) I failed one class.

I've had my share of Fs, but I was never held back.

But even with those Fs I was still able to get my GED and get a job xP

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Th lowest mark I've got is C+ in a Business test, which I got last week and was REALLY hard. The highest was A+ in a Maths exam.

Where I live, we get R's, not F's.

I have never gotten an R on my report card, but I have failed two tests.

In grade four, we did this long, difficult math test. Even so, I thought I did pretty well. At the end of the year, my teacher was talking to my parents and showed them my test. I had gotten a D-....surprisingly, my parents weren't upset.

Last year, we did this silly little math test out of 11 and I got 4/11. That's an R. Luckily the test didn't count for our report cards!

i have never gotten an F on my report card, but i have failed few quizes and test, and projects. not that many though ^^;

Just remember to keep track of your schedule, it not worth getting an F, and of course, you'd learn to discipline yourself as well as keeping track of time.

I really feel sorry for you Kawaii-Kitty, even I wanted a cat, but what comes around goes around.

Me? What I think is that once you keep track of your schedule, you'll master everything and anything. I mean its not as easy as it seems. Right now I'm struggling in French, it ain't so easy.

In school, you have to know your stuff to strut your stuff.

Working super hard isn't as wasy as it seems. Perhaps if there are any local places(such as the library...) has any homwork helping offers, go there! Its cheaper than getting a tutor. I'm assuming you'd need that for high-school!

Yes i have and it was on my report card...I am grounded on weeks until i get my next report card/Interum

Hey, are you in sixth grade? I am and i wonder cause i saw your post on the topic " OMG i got an F" and was just wonderin. Oh and thats kool that your school gives out R's instead of F's

Yeah, a few times I have. I usually have very good grades but 7th grade has changed that! I got 3 NYM's (Not Yet Meets, it's another way of saying F but I guess they made it like that so the students wouldn't feel bad :) ) both on math tests. I got a 14/25 on the last test :angry: I hate math...!

I'm in 4th period math everyone calls 'smart math' they put students that are really good at math in there. Well I'm positive i won't be in 4th period next year...

But, calm down, take a deep breath, put it behind you, work hard, pay attention in class, and do your best. There's always next quarter ^-^

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I've failed a couple tests. But my lowest grade on my report card was an 83% B, never anything lower.

We all mess up sometimes. Maybe your dad won't understand at first, but if you work hard next time and show that you can bring up your grades maybe he can consider that cat. Or you know, Christmas is just around the corner! :)

Where I live, we get R's, not F's.I have never gotten an R on my report card, but I have failed two tests.

In grade four, we did this long, difficult math test. Even so, I thought I did pretty well. At the end of the year, my teacher was talking to my parents and showed them my test. I had gotten a D-....surprisingly, my parents weren't upset.

Last year, we did this silly little math test out of 11 and I got 4/11. That's an R. Luckily the test didn't count for our report cards!
Yeah there are R's in the school system here too, before that was the Level 1-4 system, and before that an E was the F. Confusing I know but that's how it developed.

I tried really hard not to get R's in school and only did in a couple cases. When I reached college failure was no option. Had to have at least a C- (60%) to pass, and if you flunked 3 classes you were kicked out.

The best way to avoid getting an F is simple.

Work before play. Some areas know this saying as Business before pleasure.

When you get home, do your homework right away. Putting it off just causes you to not do it at all, and it's best to do it ASAP while you are in the mindset of schoolwork before getting down to having fun.

It'll be better when you hit high school, trust me. Study halls are a great time to get homework done rather than relax. Then you can relax all you want when you get home.

What helps in study habits is music. Nothing heavy, like rock, pop, or anything of the like. I find that the best music for studying is classical music, which is meant to relax you and help concentration. If I were you, I'd listen to different instruments and find one you like. Then get CDs that have music for that instrument on it.

Myself, I like the Violin, and my favorite violinist is Hilary Hahn. I listened to her first CD and fell in love with it. I listened to her CDs all the time while studying, and thus my grades improved from Cs and Bs to straight As in high school. I was able to concentrate on my schoolwork better.

Another key to studying... Minimize distractions. Turn TVs, PC screens, and all phones off. Under no circumstance should you try studying while on the phone. It NEVER works, and should not be attempted ever.

Yes. I've gotten about 1 or 2 F's.

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I think I currently have a D in my college Biology class, and I'm not seeing it improving anytime soon, so I'm hoping the A I'm making in college Oceanography will make my grade point average not as bad.

I've not yet flunked a class, but I barely passed my 8th grade math class wth a D. Normally, my average grades are B's in college, but I made A's in nearly every semester of Chinese class. I'm not very good at studying, but somehow I've done well until this stupid Biology class. I assumed it would be animal-related in at least some way, but it's chemistry and cellular processes! Grr. I hate such small-scale just goes over my head and I can't wait until I'm done with the class.

I feel your pain. :furawatchi:

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