Old Tamagotchi's remake


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Well-known member
Apr 22, 2014
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I was just thinking that new color tamagotchis are cool and have a lot of stuff to do... but I miss old characters like Ginjirotchi or Nyorotchi and I'd like to see them in brand new colors, better sprites and more things to do than in their old tamagotchis!

So basically I was thinking I'd really like a color-remake of the P1/2 and the Connection series, instead of having new (and "same-human-shaped") characters for every new edition!!

Would you like it as well? ^_^

:pochitchi: :tarakotchi: :wacko: :ph34r: :kusatchi: :hitodetchi: :kuribotchi: :hanatchi: ----> Miss them so much!! XD And I will never see them in color in a game except for the DS Games, that are cute but have nothing to do with raising a Tamagotchi! :(

Would be good but everything associated with tamagotchi and the toy itself is now based on the anime 100% however if bandai wasn't discontinuing the pierce line for the Tama p's I wish they would've done a p1 remake as a pierce with old raisable characters.

I wouldn't :)

If you want old characters, run old Tamagotchi versions. ;) The new characters and the Tamagotchi anime are what boosted Tamagotchi's popularity hugely in Japan in the first place.

The anime is a massively important aspect of Tamagotchi and what would all the little girl fans do when the cute fluffy characters get replaced by weird blobs they've never seen before? :eek:

It would be nice for nostalgia purposes but remember Bandai Japan's target audience is young girls, not nostalgic adults in other countries.

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Maybe we'll get Oyajitchi 8) Everyone loves him!

In all seriousness, no. Bandai Japan won't do anything with the vintage characters, unless if it has to do with the smartphone apps. You should be happy that all the vintages appear in the life apps. At least they are acknowledging them.

Bandai does like to advertise back into the roots of the p1 as nostalgia is the theme of the newest tamadepa so there is a thought to draw parents and nostalgic people into tamagotchi as a trend again but who knows.

A bit off topic I'm actually surprised now that tamagotchi has lasted this long as I have recently learned that Japan has many cute character phases here and there that die down after a while so it's good the anime and the new characters (especially lovelitchi) are what's keeping the brand alive.

Isn't it the same with the tamagotchi life app/tamagotchi classic app?

Thanks for your replies!

I just wanted to make clear that I'm not EXPECTING BANDAI TO DO A REMAKE, it's just something that I would like, let's say a wish. But knowing how marketing works (expecially in Japan) I know they will never do that.

Quoting EMF: "what would all the little girl fans do when the cute fluffy characters get replaced by weird blobs they've never seen before? :eek:"
EMF!! XD Come on, they're not weird blobs!!! They're just as cute as new characters! <3 What I like less of the new ones is that they're all the same, just with different hairs/clothes. It would be good if at least Bandai would draw peculiar characters, less human-like. After all, the Tamagotchis should be aliens according to the story/anime. Cute, but aliens. :)

About the app... well I don't own any smartphone or else, but from what I saw it's quite a "ctrl+C" of a P1, just on Android instead that holding a plastic toy.

EMF, I already know I could run a vintage tama, but what I wanted to say is that I would like a New Style Tamagotchi (e.g. with the opportuniy of changing interiors, the shops, the opportunity to buy/sell things, the planting thing ecc....) but with vintage characters. :) You'll agree that it's not the same of running a plain old P1 ;)
Sorry, maybe I wasn't clear enough! My fault, forgive my bad english!

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(Sorry. I double-posted... I think I deleted it though)

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Opinions :tarakotchi:

I'm just really attached to the modern characters because they have so much personality and I can relate to them so much in the anime and I sleep with my Lovelitchi, Melodytchi, and Himespetchi (and of course Mametchi :p ) plushies every night u3u

I was just thinking that new color tamagotchis are cool and have a lot of stuff to do... but I miss old characters like Ginjirotchi or Nyorotchi and I'd like to see them in brand new colors, better sprites and more things to do than in their old tamagotchis!

So basically I was thinking I'd really like a color-remake of the P1/2 and the Connection series, instead of having new (and "same-human-shaped") characters for every new edition!!

Would you like it as well? ^_^

:pochitchi: :tarakotchi: :wacko: :ph34r: :kusatchi: :hitodetchi: :kuribotchi: :hanatchi: ----> Miss them so much!! XD And I will never see them in color in a game except for the DS Games, that are cute but have nothing to do with raising a Tamagotchi! :(
Are some of these on the anni. version...?

To EMF: I like Lovelitchi/Melodytchi/Himespetchi too (and of course Mametchi), and I think they're some of the last good characters thaht Bandai invented. :D Actually, I'm afraid to see them disappear submerged by the loads of new but (I think) less deep-looking characters. I'm not talking about the anime though, 'cause I've just seen the first 2-3 seasons.

To nyle9009: I don't think so, even if I would like to. I find Anniversary just the PERFECT chance to bring back vintages (and memories XD). ;)



Personally, I think the Vintages and Connection characters had more color than the newer ones. Physically, they're in black and white or gray scale but the gameplay and the characters had more color themselves. I don't know why (remember, opinions) but I feel that the newer characters are ugly :/ And they're designs aren't so good. I don't think there's still an adult Tamagotchi there that stands on only 2 legs and how many Tamagotchis are left that still has the signature Kuchi mouth except for Kuchipatchi. Also, for me, the simpler the better. The P's is lovely, but sometimes I think it's trying too hard.



I mean, painaputchi didn't mention anything about Bandai Japan :) Also, remember the HUGE Tamagotchi craze back at '98? They even disbanded them at some schools :p And remember how all of those kids are adults now? And to see those characters would probably give them a huge blow of nostalgia and they might have kids now. With Tamagotchi L.I.F.E. at it's side as well, this might be a very successful idea. Even the kids that didn't reach the P1 and P2s itself, they might have downloaded the L.I.F.E. app and gathered interest. Bandai Japan lacks equilibrium, really. Aren't Tamagotchis suppose to be gender neutral? I want to bring my P's outside but judgement judgement judgement.



The characters are over-designed and repetitive. Who wants that? Well for the Anime lovers they're kinda colored, but when someone sees the new Tamagotchis for the first time, all they'll see is black and white all over again. Of course, they have no idea of the anime. they're new what would you expect oh supahcow you're so stupid I can expect most of them saying that it's the same old, same old. Yeah, they're some new characters that are cool and stuff here and there but they're so humanoid and we should be taking care of little cute aliens, not humanoid girly famous... things. Clearly, Bandai Japan is running out of ideas. Apparently they forgot how AWESOME AND COOL AND FABULOUS AND MOST OF ALL UNIQUE ALL THE VINTAGE AND CONNECTION CHARACTERS WERE AND THEY AREN'T THE SAME OLD SAME OLD *ahem*

Even with my opinions laid there, I don't think Bandai Japan nor Bandai US would do so. They aren't just like that, sadly. I guess we should just stick with the newer Tamagotchis and hope for a Vintage Pierce

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SupahCow090: you hit the spot of my opinion: "the simpler the better". That is what I was trying to express! XD

And, as you said, I also think it would be a good thing for all that kids that back in the 90's couldn't have a Tama (e.g because they didn't even exist XD). As for me, there are many vintage VG that I regret never playing because I wasn't born yet, and I like when some VG house makes remakes (oh dear, what a pun! XD).

Just for Trivia purposes: Bandai JP just made a Digimon Videogame for PSP (or Vita?) and 3DS based on the old good Digimon World for PS1. Digimon true fans were asking for a game like this since years, because it was the only Virtual-Pet based game. The games after that were always battle-battle-kill-battle, and who loves Digimon does it for their "personality", not for their strenght in battle. Digimon's popularity was going down a lot, but I think this new game had quite a great success and here in Italy there's a Petition to convince Bandai to import it here as well, even in English. And Bandai noticed us :) .

I was thinking the same thing, like colored versions with P1-P2 characters, Angel and Devilgotchi, Ocean and Morino and Osutchi Mesutchi!

I love my 15th Anni iD L for its old characters :)

I love both new and old characters, I like Tamagotchi for all its various characters, human like, bunny like, blob like, strange and funny.

Cute and girly like Lovelitchi and Melodytchi.

Strange but funny like Oyajitchi and Masktchi.

Cute and simple like Marutchi and Ginjirotchi.

Tamagotchis are awesome because they're all different!

Even Lovelitchi and Yumemitchi, 2 bunny like Tamas, are different!

Little girls would love Tamatchi because he's cute and little, and he even looks like Kirby! xD

Oh yes. I am definatly a fan of the old characters; the unique, strange ones are the ones who hold my heart.

Remember Kiwitchi, Hanatchi, Ginjoritchi, Hashizoutchi, Patopatatchi, Chomametchi, Pyonkotchi, Dorotchi...?

To me, the newer japanese colour tamas might be exclusive and have a lot of features, but somewhere along the way they lost the charm, what made tamagotchi special to me from the beginning. Of course, it's not like that for everyone, but I am at least one of those who would appreciate a comeback for the classical tamagotchis. :p

Bandai should think about it

What if they produced...

Ura Tamagotchi iD L or Ura Tamagotchi Plus Color?

Tenshitchi iD L or Tenshitchi Plus Color?

They sound good :p

They should make different versions for the next Tamagotchi, in my opinion.

Someone should try making a custom pierce with custom characters, so we'd be able to raise vintage characters on our P's

New characters are to human:

Cuz of their body shape?Legs?

Lovelitchi and Mimitchi are both bunnies, but Lovelitchi has an anthro body, while Mimitchi is round with little feet.

Strange?Too antro?

What about Bunbuntchi and Bunkotchi?Or Mametchi?

Too human?

What about Bill?He looks like a human!

Little girls won't like old characters?They only like fluffy girly characters?

I've seen lots of Japanese little girls holding their Kuchipatchi plushie on Google, and a little girl drawing Kuchipatchi on the back of her Tama.

Bandai makes stuff for adult fans too, like stationary sets inspired to vintage versions.

Why they should:

There was the Tamagochu, it's completely different, you can't take care of your Tama (worst release in my opinion), but its target was teens and adults (instead of kids) so Bandai can make a colored version with vintage characters for our joy.

But is possible to hack a Tamagotchi and to edit its sprites so we can raise old characters?

I mean...people do the same with videogames, like making new characters (and stages) on Super Smash Bros Brawl.

C'mon, let's try it!I think that would be less difficult, I mean, Tamagotchi is a little toy, while videogames are "bigger".

I would love a customized version..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Mariogotchi >///<

Ahah!! XD This is a thing I wouldn't have thougnt to!! Not Bad! ;)

But I believe the impossibility comes from the fact that hacking requires in some way "programming skills" and the possibility to install hacks on the "brain" of the game, that means connecting the memory of the game to a PC. Though it would be so good if it was possible!! :lol:

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I think we have a member here on tamatalk; Nataliems, who likes to mixture with the programming on various tamagotchis. There is also some guy on tamazone who does programming and stuff... Maybe someone should ask one of them?

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