they are usually in the toy section so i see we all have this problem!!! and i asked them and they said they have not seen them in 2 weeks and thats bad but more worst news is im not allowed to buy off line i got my tamas at walmart and well... they dont have them anymore what am i going to do!!!!!! i dont have a toys r us or a kmart and i think my target dont have them ill check next time....sigh...OH!!! and kuromametchi toys r us is not for babys infact i used to go there all the time when i was 11 but it is too far away for me to go to its like 3 big citys away like 210 miles sigh...and kuromametchi i wish i was you u are so lucky to be able to go there sigh...I HATE ARKANSAS!!! never move there some of it is good but not where i live!!!The Walmart near me never seems to have any tamagotchis either! I even look online and the only ting that comes up under tamagotchi is the Cornershop 3 DS game. Maybe we aren't looking hard enough... What isle are the Tamagotchis usually in in Walmart?