"OK" by A-Watch: Fake Tamagotchi + Color


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Well-known member
Jun 29, 2018
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Here’s another oddity, this time found on Mercari. Unfortunately, the listing there already sold, but nevertheless let’s take a looksy. Kids’ smart watches are all over online shops, but this one has a very unique feature packed in.

(Unfortunately I can't link the listing so credit to Mercari seller "ocean")

Behold the bootlegness in all its glory!!

1)Take a look at the living room. It’s practically the same! Not only that, but the panda character is an edit of Kikitchi’s sprite. Admittedly, this doesn’t look half bad. It’s actually kind of cute!
2)The lock screen is a stolen Bambi drawing! The watch face can be changed between a few different templates.
3)It also features stolen icons from the official Tamas, well, except for the t-shirt thing. The upscale versions of them are also custom sprites.
4)There are also some places to go, including a weird one in the bottom that might be a movie theater?
5)Talking to a weird pink blob
The watch also features a camera, photo gallery, and fitness stuff. There doesn’t appear to be buttons besides lock, volume, and reset, so this is most likely touch controlled. Later versions by A-Watch replace not-Kikitchi with a generic panda. BUT one listing on Amazon still offers this v-pet, and apparently pandas aren’t the only character! What to look for:


-Blue or pink wristband that reads “A-Watch”
-Flat surface around the screen with a black border around it and “OK” logo (later versions are a solid blue or pink)
-Look for mentions of a pet game or cat icon on the main menu
-No calling/texting/GPS tracking feature (common in other kids’ smart watches)

Amazon listing:

This reminds me of the QPet, and it’s nice they actually made (somewhat) original sprites instead of totally aping Bandai’s work. If you already have one, please share your thoughts. Is this knockoff worthy of its $30 pricetag?

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Looks pretty interesting! Nice find. I'd love to check it out but I don't currently have money.

A few of the pictures show the panda and blue frog. But, both of the other listings I found only showed the panda in a Photoshopped image. Maybe it's like the QPet where you get to choose at the beginning?

Additional features:

-Can charge phones

-Updated version of the watch


-Mini games outside of the fake Tama software. These appeared in the second version of the OK watch.



Weird castle on the blue one... Definitely not Gotchi King's castle.

EDIT: It turns out the castle is one of the mini games you can play.

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Kind of tempted to get one. I mean, even if it ends up being bad then maybe at least its useful, with the powerbank and warming ability and all. 25$ is a bit pricy for a counterfeit tama, though...

Kind of tempted to get one. I mean, even if it ends up being bad then maybe at least its useful, with the powerbank and warming ability and all. 25$ is a bit pricy for a counterfeit tama, though...
Same here.

By the way there's now a review on this:


This reviewer has a yellow Ichigotchi, so there are multiple stages. I wonder if there are other adult Tamas to get? Like the Gigapets, it also has a separate health meter. The clothes icon can be used to change the appearance of the Tama, so perhaps the blue frog is a different option for the panda character. Seeing bell pepper and hamburger Ichigotchi was pretty funny.

And, it has realistic sound effects. It makes Furby 2012 noises when your Tama eats, walks somewhere, and speaks Furbish when talking to other characters at the park. The movie theater has the same Godzilla movie as the real TMGC+C only with the enhanced sound effects. Now I wish I hadn't watched the review because it spoiled so much!

Wow, the clothes function is actually kind of clever. Changing ichigotchi=making her turn into different fruit? Sounds fun.

[SIZE=17pt]It appears there were some things I mistook or left out: [/SIZE]

[SIZE=17pt]-8 mini games (which can be played in and outside of the Tama application)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=17pt]-Gender and character select like the QPet. I’m not sure if they are gender-specific like normal Tamagotchis.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=17pt]-Name Feature [/SIZE]

[SIZE=17pt]-The “blue frog” is actually a Doraemon costume for the panda... Honestly it was hard to tell since the listing images never showed it up close.[/SIZE]

I was looking at bootleg game consoles and discovered that the mini games on this are actually copied from the "1.8" Handheld Games. Ashens did a review of that, but his system only had the TMGC+C apple collecting and balloon games. There’s a Wikia entry on it that talks about a game where you play as a little panda running across a broken bridge collecting bamboo in order to keep jumping. This handwarmer has a really similar game. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was just the same thing but modified for the smaller screen + controls. Wow, bootleggers must be getting pretty desperate if they need to go from fake GameBoys to fake handwarmer Tamagotchis... Here’s a link to the video. The games show up at 20:53 and 21:25.

Bootleg Games Wikia entry:

Oh yeah, sorry about the last post. My phone always makes the font huge for some reason -_-

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Okay, I'm back. Here's a photo album on Postimage I'll update as I take more pics of it, as opposed to posting a bajillion more updates here:


There's a lot of stuff I haven't been able to get pics of yet. Unlike the real Tamagotchi and QPet, the closeup sprites are only shown after it goes to the bathroom instead of pressing C. This means I have to get it to the bathroom on time and have my camera ready... It'll take a while, put I'll try to get as many as I can. The two I've seen so far (w/o pics to show) is burger and pineapple Ichigotchi. By the way, I haven't taken pics of Ichigotchi's costumes yet but the review linked above shows all of them.

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