Oh, A Tama!


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And i'm working on weight, if you want to visit the parents use the usrname below matching the name and character of the tamagotchi below of my tamas.


Name: Zoey

Character: Megatchi

Username: Zoria

Code: 00856 65691


Name: Kovu

Character: Billotchi

Usename: Zoria

Code: Won't le me! :(


Name: Kyoko

Character: Gozarutchi

Username: Zoria

Code: 68856 70114


Name: Shiva

Character: Kurokotchi

Username: Kikki

Code: 86301 25744



Somwhere in my room lurks two 24 in 1s............

Beside me sits batterys for them.

24 in 1s are these fake, flimsy and fun VPs. There all have diffrent shells, and the same multi-pet. I bought 5 AG13 batteries for them for 99 cents! they take 2.......so I have one left over.


I'm at my grandparents so I will have to wait-I can only run one at a time. Why? Because these things you cannot pause. So I would have to care for it during school, only being able to bring 1. I also bpught a small flashlight with keychain for if it's dark and I have to feed my tamas, etc.

The flashlight can come in handy! And I am DIEING to start up those 24 in 1s. *shakes fists* MUST START THEM!!!!! Yet, with 6 VPs to take care of......0_o That will be quite a bit of work! Time to visit Tamagotchi two, toot toot right now!

Yes! Today I start my beloved 24 in 1! I have one red and one blue. The blue one is flimsy. So I will run my red one. You can hatch 1 of the 24 animals. This is what i remember:






Human (ish) Boy

Human (ish) Girl




Thats why these great pets are called 24 in 1s! But I have to wait untill this evening. Going to read even MORE of Tamagotchi to, toot toot! now.

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I started digging through my closet when I got home, I found my red 24 in 1. I had to wait untill after dinner. My mom found a screwdriver and gave it to me. I saw the friends list. I sorted through untill I got the ________ and





















































Dinosaur! I asked tenshi for a name, and she said Marrow. So Marrow the Dinosaur! looks so cute..........he looks exactly like This! Ain't he adorable?

It has been awhile. At least now I'm back from my neopets craze. I have had all tams on pause. I will unpause them and take care, THEN I will update Stats and all that stuff!

Boring stat stuff! And Zavax had evolved into a Nikatchi...........


Name: Gochi

Happy/Hungry: Full

Training: 5/9

Age: 1yr (And that much training!)

Weight: 39lbs....

Points: 600p

Character: Hinotamatchi


Name: David

Happy/Hungry: Full

Training: 2/9 (boo.....)

Age: 0

Weight: 63lbs

Points: 1817p

Character: Tamatchi


Name: Kikki

Happy/Hungry: Full

Training: 2/9 (Wow, didn't even train her well. 0_o)

Age: 6 (Just aged 2 seconds ago!)

Weight: 95lbs

Points: 56p

Character: Hiratchi ( :D )


Name: Bane

Happy/Hungry: Full

Training: 7/9

Age: 5

Weight: 88lbs

Character: Masktchi


Name: Genny

Happy/hungry: F-U-L-L

Training: 8/9

Age: 4

Weight: 55lbs

Points: 469p

Character: Kabutchi ( :furawatchi: )


OK Then! I will post items when I feel like it.

David was crying, then I acidentally gave him a time-out. I reset and downloaded him. He started from when he was sick an hour ago! I set the time right. Meep. That was weird...........

And david evolves into a hashitamatchi. WHAT DID I EVER DO?!?!? On the

other hand, I got a few pictures of them. But when I was about to upload them off the camera, the batteries went out. >.< And Genny came along with me to school. I wore her in plain sight. And nobody noticed. 0_o Weird...........Maybe it's cause I was wearing a blue shirt. i dunno...........

I hope genny or Kikki gets a girl when the matchmaker visits. I would be naming her Tensi! On another bad note, my teacher syas if she sees anymore tamagocthis she weould take them away for a week. Back to keeping them at before/after school program. I still don't care becuase......................IT'S THE WEEKEND!

Oops. Havn't updated. My tamas spent all day on pause because

we were running around doind this and that. Although I got 4 new V Trainer 2.0 Pokemon! Check my pokemon log.

I unpaused them all. Then Bane, Kikki, David and Gochi went strait to bed. And Bane needed his batterys changes awhile ago. Kikki had 7 poops piled up! I'm afraid she'll die if I don't look after her right away when she awakes. And she's 7! *dances* Come on, MM! I'll treat her baby like gold. 0_o Lets see what I get....................I am hoping for a girl once again. So I'm waiting and waiting. And if it is a girl it can mate with Bane's baby Boy! All my tamas are related somewhere along their family line. But I don't mind. I'm gonna miss Kikki's mysterious floating ways. I'll never see her again. I'll see David and Gochi. All I will have is memories to visit.

I wonder. What is it like to be a first generation tama? What is it like to have Nothing? Not even memories to share with your family before they left. I feel sorry for them. I know tamagotchis are little pixels, but I love them the same as a real pet. Always there for me, No matter what. I love my tamas and will never ever allow them to be Confinskated at school or anything. It just goes to show that if something is alive or not, it will always be speacial in it's own way..........................

[SIZE=11pt]Omg! I'm getting a Entama off Yesasia.com if my Grandma lets me. I'm sure she will if I pay for it! I want the Orange sweater one or the Cafe Lait. They are SOOOOO cool! *reads entama stuff* And kikki got the matchmaker. Mated with a memetvhi and[/SIZE]




BOY!!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!! Fewie...............

Airoz and Isnet is on pause, along with their parents. XD I can bring my tams to school; exept I have to keep them in my bag. And if one of them are confinskated, they ALL are gone. So i'm thinking of not bringing them.

Hehehe. I made a funny bridget piccy if you are a Pokemon/Mew mew Lover. I'll post it soon! And now Bane is leaving poor little Airoz. I'll make Kikki leave Isnet as soon as Airoz is a toddler.

I better make a memorial for the both of them, as I will never see them again. I'm a bit happy that Bane is gone so I'll try to get a good character. I need a Mimitchi or a Hanatchi. Then I would have had all the V1 characters. Aww! Bane just just left! Poor guy, bye bye bane! I'm going to get the hearts full for little Airoz.

Then I'll go and make the memorial.........Actually once Kikki and Airoz are Both toddlers I will set my tamas time to normal. (I put them to sleep while I was at school) So now, I'll go.

Airoz evolved into a Marutchi! Isnet is on pause as a baby. And and Gochi








No.......and it's called...erm I forget.


Yes! God is he cute when he comes up. Otherwise he is UG-LY. ;_; And Tenshi, I'm sad to hear that Yuki died! I can't wait to get an entama. (Hoping for Kuchizoku)Entamas are awesome. And I've been doing alot of chores. To pay $20 of the $40.93. So my mom is paying $20.93. lol............................

I have not been sleeping in...........must sleep in. I've been getting up early. So I'll just go back to sleeping in. (Not on school days!)And yeah. I'm starting to think Dorotchi is cute, although he transformed right when he turned 3. So yeah. I'm figgling around with them now. Changing time correctly, etc. So don't PM me untill I post so!
