Okay, since my dad doesn't get back until like 6 o'clock, and I so can't wait that long to hatch, I had him unscrew the back of my Umi-No for me last night. The screws are super tiny; our screw driver is still a little big. Last time I tried to open it I wore a whole in the screw.

I'm not too handy with tools. No clue how I'm getting an A in Woodshop. xD
*takes deep breath* Okay. Time to insert the batteries and attept to screw in the screws. Wish me luck. *starts fumbling with Tama* Please hold.
Ding ding! Sucess! I soon as I inserted the LR44 batteries, it started making a bleepy noise. Bubbles floated across the screen with Otototchi and Kingyotchi swimming happily across the screen. The best part it - I didn't kill the dang thing trying to screw in the screws!!! ... Time to set the timer.
Set! 4:01 PM Valentine's Day. A little white egg is jiggling up and down with bubbles floating around it. I now have a 5 minute wait for the egg to hatch - longer than the Connections; 1 minute.
Older Tamagotchis do not allow you to name your Tama.

But they all have names to me. I think that I am going to call this one Yumi - I will make it a girl. The past two that I have *cough* attempted to raise I have considered male.

You don't get a gender either. No date. No birthday. Just the simple time.
Sorry guys! Had to take a break - early dinner. Little bro has soccer practice in 'bout a half hour.
Soooo... updates you guys missed.... nothing. I paused my tama while I ate - I don't want to miss a second of my precious! Still didn't hatch yet.
I have tried to raise my Umi-No twice before... let's just say that it never went very well.

Super neady!
OMG! Yumi hatched! Time to fill up her needs...
~Yumi's Stats~
Name: Yumi
Age: 0
Weight: 1
Water Quality: Perfectly clean 0/4
Hunger: 3/4
Happy: 4/4
She is a needy little thing! She will be this way all her life - she may slow down when and
if she reaches adult hood.
Now her happy heart is down one!

And let me tell ya, I am no good at this guessing treasure chest game.
I was playing the treasure chest game, and out popped the stupid octopus.

It dropped all of Yumi's happy hearts to zero and made her water quality completely black. I had to flush the screen four times!
She doesn't seem to be gaining weight... glitch or the fact that the babies don't gain weight??? I don't know!
Okay, little Yumi is back to normal.
Well, we're off to Target to continue the V5 hunt. Wish us luck!
Hope you enjoyed the first section of the blog!