Observation about pink transparent v3s


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Dr. Tama

Dec 10, 2013
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Going through pictures and videos of people's tamagotchi collections on various sites, I've noticed something: very few people have the transparent pink v3 connection tamagotchi. I happen to own one, myself, it's an American tamagotchi. This got me wondering: is the pink transparent v3 a rare shell design or something?

Humm. Well I see yellow transparent v3 if anything, if I am looking. Transparent tamas tend to be popular. Especially if they are the originals. I haven't seen one that is pink in a while. Maybe it is rare or there is a lack of pictures, not sure, but it seems like a good question to me.

I have a transparent pink v1. I didn't know there was a v3 with that color. I will have to keep my eyes open for one on ebay.

I've got it, but it's got issues. The guts got damaged at some point and it doesn't gain happy hearts properly. I'm keeping an eye out for a v3 with an UTTERLY RUINED shell to swap guts with.

The only transparent pink shell that is "rare" that I'm aware of is the P1 clocks one. There are also the V5 and V6 Argos edition ones, but they're also glittery on top of being pink and transparent lol. In my collection, it's not from a lack of availability, but b/c I really dislike anything pink lol.


I have that exact v3! :D Sadly it broke on me (for some unknown reason) It just started saying 'no battery' every 5 minutes even though there was definitely a battery in there... But yeah that was my one and only v3.

Hmm, no, maybe just the people who do have it don't take photos of their collection. It doesn't mean its rare. I have never seen photos of my black jewel V5 but I don't assume it's rarer than other shell designs.

By the way, is this the one you mean?


I can find a LOT of photos of it on Google. XD

Well that's the one I was talking about. Those pictures look just like mine :D

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