ice mountain
Well-known member
I do not agree with him one bit.
Thank god I'll be dead when his fullblown dare I say, anarchy is in motion.
Thank god I'll be dead when his fullblown dare I say, anarchy is in motion.
I'm Pro-choice only because of this fact;;The only reason I knew McCain didn't stand a chance was because of Sarah Palin. McCain has health issues so he probably might hvae died and Sarah Palin taking over office to control once of the most powerful countries in the world.
And I want abortion to be illegal.... Its like killing a human life. I feel like sending a letter to Obama saying. What if your mother got an abortion!
I agree with you in most of those points.I have been with Obama since the start
1. I liked his ideas better.
2. Sarah Palin is an idiot in my opinion.
3. Universal health care is good.
4. The rich should have to pay more taxes than lower middle class. I am in that lower middle class and my mom can barely pay the bills.
5. He wants to go to Afgahnistan, where we SHOULD be fighting, not in Iraq.
6. I don't think John McCain is strong enough to become presidnet.
What has he done so far that makes him, "the worst president in history"?Not in the least bit. I think he's the worst president this country has ever seen.
It would be wise to study your presidents before you make such bold statements.Not in the least bit. I think he's the worst president this country has ever seen.
Do you really think he's worse than James Buchanan, who signed many compromises that would help to spread slavery into the western territories?
I honestly can't stand the Republican way of thinking. *no offense, nothing personal*For one, this taxing the rich thing is absolutely ridiculous. 250,000 dollars is not rich. Imagine working hard for your money year after year, and having to give up more to help people who did nothing with their lives. I sure as heck wouldn't want to give away my money to a bunch of lazy bums
Universal health care is a bad idea. That's just more money in taxes. You can't force someone to go to the doctor, so you shouldn't force them to pay taxes to give everyone else in the world health insurance. Plenty of people already have it, and don't want to change their insurer.
Cash for clunkers is just taking more money away from people who worked for it, because now they have to fund this program. If people can't afford to buy a new car, then they should just stick to the one they already have.
And lastly, he's brainwashed people into liking him and agreeing with him.
I agree.The deal with universal health care is that Obama wants to make this country like Canada or England, where people may have to wait up to a year or more to get vital surgeries and procedures. That's a deadly wait for a lot of people. Government shouldn't run the healthcare system.
WIN@ GG96- I think that it's better than not being able to afford health care at all and never get it.
you have a point that some of the 'lower income' individuals deserve to be that way, because they threw their lives away and are too uneducated and irresponsible to have a job and afford health care.
But a lot of those people are normal, smart people who maybe got unfourtunately laid off, or are one of the many people who've been affected by the economical crisis, or have other priorities like a family and simply can't afford health care right now.
I don't think that they should be denied the right of it because there are some individuals who don't deserve it.