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Wow...Here is one of the many

I don't know why people spread rumors. It's so wrong. You don't get anywhere in life by doing it.
Wow...Here is one of the many
Firstly, I understood perfectly well what you were saying."Aww. Dx I feel like crap now! I'm just going to sulk in a corner now...
I'm such a terrible person! Wahh..."
You misundestood what I was saying.
Lulz. Oh yehh. I recall saying.. ''Aww. It's too bad Miley Cyrus didn't get finished by that truck... blah blah..'' Not saying ''Pshh. In my Wildest dreams'' or something similar.Firstly, I understood perfectly well what you were saying.Secondly, you're not gonna get anywhere by saying stuff like that. You've wished death upon a teenage girl in this topic already, ok? So you're kind of done here.
Thirdly, I'm not going to start a flame. But in my opinion you were wrong to want a girl to die, and wrong to reply in a sarcastic, nasty way.
Mileys a christian, so she says.Firstly, I understood perfectly well what you were saying.Secondly, you're not gonna get anywhere by saying stuff like that. You've wished death upon a teenage girl in this topic already, ok? So you're kind of done here.
Thirdly, I'm not going to start a flame. But in my opinion you were wrong to want a girl to die, and wrong to reply in a sarcastic, nasty way.
That makes no sense. If you don't like her why stare at her face all day long.. why own a Miley Cyrus poster anyway? What happened to throwing unwanted things out?T.T i didn't like her >.< .and yet i have a poster of her on my wall because i wanted ALL of my posters in my bedroom.
I know. She has so many fans; they would all be so mad and upset. Then the next thing you'd know, there would be tons of new topics on TT about the next "Miley Cyrus"...Ha ha. That's very funny. Her death would be everywhere if she died.
Why are you saying 'YAY!'? Don't you have any respect for ppl?? Imagine ifyou died and someone shouted 'YAY!'?I don't know. But if that's true, YAY! :furawatchi:
I've never really been a big fan of her.
If people threw parties because I died, that's because I did something to tick them off, or they just disliked me that much. That's their opinion on me, so if they wish to throw parties, let them; I ticked them off in the first place, their relived and have a right to throw a party.[SIZE=8pt]Pretend you were in the tragedy, would you like people to throw parties? I bet you say no. I dislike Miley Cyrus in my humble opinion, but wishing death is wrong. Why do it?[/SIZE]
Im sorry?This topic really is amusing. Having it go from talking about whether she died or not to an argument about wishing death on ppl. Srsly, it's getting you nowhere, so there's really no point.
You are right.Miley woulden't be please if she could read that people wanted her to die.What Sky said was a bit too mean (sorry) so I agree with youSky, no offence.. I like you and all but what you said is just a little sick. Even if you dislike someone ALOT it's not very good karma to wish that somebody was dead.. I'm not the biggest fan of her. Heck, I don't even LIKE any of her music.. Maybe there career be ruined and killed but not dieing! :]