November's Election & Your Thoughts


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not that bad? we're almost back in the great depression era
But the thing is that he inherited those problems from Busch and it's not his fault that the congress and senate deny everything he tries to do, but I'd rather them deny Obama's attempts at making things better than for them to be approving the removal of basic women's rights and higher taxes on the middle class.

I have to vote, but as of now... I am no futhur towards anybody since these annouying commercials began. Daytime tv.... Blah. The only thng good I have seen towards either of them... In a Hallmark store with Romney and Obama figures with candy... Brown candy. The figure is a dispencer... You figure the rest.

I hope some things change for the better... I will listen to those closer to November...

not that bad? we're almost back in the great depression era
My family is actually doing lots better (when it comes to money) than we were when Bush was president. Both my parents finally have good steady jobs (albeit in 2 different states). I'm not sure about others' unemployment rates.

Definitely going for Obama; even if I was a conservative, I wouldn't go for Romney. The Republicans had such a pitiful selection this year... OK I won't bash Republicans any more.

Obama is DEFINITELY not the greatest president the world has ever had, but he's under lots of peer pressure to make conservative decisions. I'm hoping he'll do more in his second term (as long as he gets reelected) since then he won't need to deal with the fear of never being elected again due to a controversial decision.

The conservative idea I completely don't get is tax breaks for the rich. Holdonholdon, what? They've plenty of money to spare!

Although Obama's not perfect, he's good, whereas Romney and Newt (who'd want a president named Newt?) are terrible candidates. Even a non-liberal should see that.

Just my opinion/rant thing. ;)

well mine isn't. i can't even find a job and neither can anyone else around here.

i don't like obama one bit. but i don't like any politician, they're all liars.

plus i'm not paying for people on welfare to have healthcare.

there are free clinics for a reason.

and obama is a socialist, byebye small business.

if people were all like me, anarchy would be the best option.

buttttttttttt it's okie guise.

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Something I find a bit irksome in politics is that people confuse "communism" with "socialism." Communism is a total classless society, in which everyone shares every bit of the wealth. Modern Socialism is completely different, involving higher taxes, which allow every citizen to have a decent amount of money. The rich are less rich, the poor less poor.

Obama isn't very liberal. When people call him a Socialist, they're kidding themselves. Though he's done some good liberal things, he's also done quite a few very Republican things (possibly under political "peer pressure" to try to be peaceful with both parties). I think it's astounding that conservatives see him to be so excessively liberal, though I would love it if he was.

Let it be known that I am participating in this for the debating skills it involves, not because I hate anyone. ;)

But the thing is that he inherited those problems from Busch and it's not his fault that the congress and senate deny everything he tries to do, but I'd rather them deny Obama's attempts at making things better than for them to be approving the removal of basic women's rights and higher taxes on the middle class.
Well said, Brittygotchi!

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It sounds to me like you are saying that (through absolutely no fault of your own) you received more unemployment money than you were supposed to.

But even though it is not your fault, and you got more than you were entitled to you, you don't you think it is right you should have to pay it back?

What about the difference between right and wrong? What about other people on unemployment who are also entitled to payments - could that $1900 be used to pay the money they are supposed to have got?

I can understand it is scary to find you owe money to the government and if they are expecting it back in one lump sum without giving you a chance to find ways to pay it back that won't leave you completely broke then that is not right ... but keeping money that is not yours because of a computer mistake..?

Just feels wrong to me.

(I'm not a US citizen and I won't be voting but this was something that is outside the current politics of who should be the next US President)
If I had the money I would pay

It back, but it would put me without house and home. And make it impossible for my kids to eat. I am still technically unemployed because I am "over qualified" for most retail jobs. This I know is a problem for alot of people. As for their mistake, would you give a cashier back the extra dollar or two she accidentally gave you?

As for the politics I think there is extra money floating around, the retred senate get bonuses and not just a pension.... Why I don't know, and one thing I'd love to know is where do the millions of dollars come from that are used for campaigns? Why spend all that money to our country get out of debt? Just a thought.

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well mine isn't. i can't even find a job and neither can anyone else around here.

i don't like obama one bit. but i don't like any politician, they're all liars.

plus i'm not paying for people on welfare to have healthcare.

there are free clinics for a reason.

and obama is a socialist, byebye small business.

if people were all like me, anarchy would be the best option.

buttttttttttt it's okie guise.
I can understand it's hard to find a job - I have spent 3 years looking for a job that I won't be spending more to get to than I will be making.... The truth is that Obama has tried to help - he has met a lot of resistance from congress and senate - so it's not really his fault, it's the other people we have elected that have no concept of people in need.

As for being in a depression - we are still far from a depression. We are in a recession yes, much like back in the 80's, but we are not in a second great depression. Also, the idea about free clinics is good if there were more. One of the other problems is that a lot of reps from states are trying to get clinics and the like to close cause heaven forbid they are trying to give people contraceptives :eek: plus not every type of medical issues can be solved at a free clinic.

I know when I had pneumonia I had to go to an ER - something was really terribly wrong. It took nearly a year to pay off all the medical bills from that. I have other medical issues that are completely out of my control that are still costing me in the thousands of dollars (even with insurance). I used to have the mentality that nothing would ever happen to me, but crap did eventually happen. I don't agree %100 with everything they propose to change in healthcare, but a change would be good for everyone.

Also, why would you be against helping others in need? Sometimes we all need help. I've been in situations where it's hard to figure out how to pay all of the bills and sometimes make a choice of having food or a roof. Mitt Romney thinks that the average middle class American makes a family income of $200,000 a year. A YEAR. $200,000 in ONE YEAR. That's laughable. I mean I would be OVERJOYED to even make half of that in one year. If you think finding a job is hard with Obama in office think of how much more difficult it will be if Romney got elected - in his mind all is well and everyone is making plenty enough money as is.


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i dunno i'm not a debater i just don't really want obama to ruin us more than we already are

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If I had the money I would pay It back, but it would put me without house and home. And make it impossible for my kids to eat. I am still technically unemployed because I am "over qualified" for most retail jobs. This I know is a problem for alot of people. As for their mistake, would you give a cashier back the extra dollar or two she accidentally gave you?

As for the politics I think there is extra money floating around, the retred senate get bonuses and not just a pension.... Why I don't know, and one thing I'd love to know is where do the millions of dollars come from that are used for campaigns? Why spend all that money to our country get out of debt? Just a thought.
But... the state didn't give you an extra dollar or two.... They gave you $1900 mistake :eek:

(That's money other tax payers have contributed from their own pay checks).

Can the state not allow you to pay the money back bit by bit? (installments)

... but actually, yeah, I routinely check my change in every store. If I am short changed, I ask for the correct amount. If I get an extra £1 or £2 I give it back. Because although I am lucky enough to have part time work and it helps pay the bills, I still watch the pennies to make sure my kids can eat. £2 can buy a basic meal in the UK and I have no way of knowing if a cashier gets docked their pay because they made a mistake and accidentally gave the wrong money.

I guess maybe that's just the way I think. It never seems right to accept money that is not rightfully mine.

I am also over qualified for the job I am doing. But the way I look at it is that I am employed and I am earning - even if it is something I can do in my sleep - it's still a job and for me, at least, better than being on the dole.

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No they wont let me do it in installments, I asked and they said if it will cause my family hardship I can contest it, that's what I was told. Out here a dollar or two doesn't even get a gallon of milk, not even close to a decent meal. Also I have been told by manager after manager that they are sorry I'm over qualified for the job an they won't hire me. Why I don't know, I know lots of people who are told this. I think I has to do with money honestly. I got laid off so they coul replace me with three people that they paid at minimum wage...

I was at the store today, and honestly can not believe what I saw headlined on some d the magazines, my neighbor was also just talking about it, apparently Obama is caught up in some kind of drug scandal. I like Obama but I would love to know where they get their proof?! I chop that all off to insane, crazy talk.

my family isn't doing very well at the moment.... my dad lost his job and I'm scared he won't be able to find anouther one since several companies turned him down D:

First presidentail debate from both sides tonight! Please watch and let me know your thoughts!

- TamaTamatchi

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I can't judge things as I'm not even from America, but Romney is just a bad person.

Rapists should have parental rights? Impregnation via rape is not rape? Hahaha nope.

He also doesn't know why you can't open windows in the airplane.

I don't know much about Obama, but his going for woman and different sexuality rights is definitely a plus for me.

I watched the presidential debate on my 30-year-old TV last Wednesday. (The picture tube is messed up, and the screen is smaller than that of my computer, so the candidates looked like dwarves, and close up had elongated faces :p ) I noticed Romney's oily voice and how he cut off Obama's phrases, and acted like Obama was lying about things he said. He punctuated his information with things like, "Why on earth would I say such a thing?" and "What I love about America..." Sorry, but Romney scares me passionately. The candidates were unable to get much discussed during the debate, getting hung up on taxes. Romney said, "...and what we need to do about China, if and when they lie." Whoa, dude, calling a major world power a liar is not a good move.

And has it occurred to anyone that the recession's severity has snowballed because of what was done in the Bush era? Obama had quite a lot on his hands when he came into office, and I hope he gets even more of it fixed later on.

PS, most statistics are fabricated. The results really depend on who did the study.

Sorry if I'm being a bit harsh on the Republicans; I just don't agree with what they do. That said, I would HATE to be a politician, you'd have a zillion people displaying their hatred for you with plastic signs, and maybe a few people displaying signs showing their love for you. I couldn't do what most of these people do any better. In fact, I'd probably collapse under the pressure. ;)

I dont like Mitt Romney, he comes off as smug and ignorant. If he lived a year on minimum wage I might consider him. Obama isnt great but he isnt horrible.

I would vote for Obama if I was 18, mainly because Romney is somebody who I DON'T want in office. Obama has his faults too **coughcoughpatriot'sactcoughcough**... But Romney goes against many of my beliefs. He's against freedom of marriage and he's very sexist. I just seem him as very bigoted and very prideful. Obama at least won't make it illegal for women to use tampons, and he's for gay marriage.


That's all I have to say on the subject.

EDIT: typo

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I am voting for Obama, because he's the right choice. What Romney is trying to do is make the middle class lose. We can't let that happen.

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