Not-so-cute Tamagotchi characters?


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Well-known member
Apr 22, 2014
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Hello everyone!! I thought to make this topic taking inspiration by EMF Favorite Era poll and Twilightchi Least Fave Game topic :)

Among the big variety of tamagotchi characters, there are some that are quite... well... strange! So I was wondering: are there any characters that you don't like that much or that you find creepy or maybe only.... disturbingly weird? I'm talking about their physical appearence, not abut how good/bad they're in the anime ecc... ;)

I personally find quite creepy Nikatchi and Doyatchi: their grin (eeeeevil grin... è____é) almost scares me, exspecially Doyatchi's one since he also has a color that in my opinion increase the creepyness of his grin. I think Doyatchi's artwork is less creepy than his P's sprite :) I also find quite weird a character that I remember being a sort of conjoined twins... I don't know if it was a "bug-only" character or if it was ever released as a proper character.

What do you guys think? Ever felt weird in front of a Tamagotchi character?

Please, do not hate on any character ok? This topic has no hate intended ;)

I love all Tamagotchi characters but Kuchipatchi is the only one that makes me go bleh :p Even when I was 7 years old and I first saw Kuchipatchi I thought he was nightmarish oops. but I dislike his personality more than his appearance :lol:

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Oh gosh! XD Pirorirotchi has a supercute name and a supercreepy sprite O____o (It looks like the Boogieman of Nightmare Before Christmas). Yet the original artwork is cute.... I don't get how his sprite became so.... strange!

@EMF: I think Kuchipatchi's quite cute, even if there's better... but you're right: his personality is really insignificant as they made it in the anime -____- It should be one of the mascotte, but they made it one the less "deep" characters of the series.

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I agree with you, Dorayotchi is very weird, hes scary but descriptions says: He is funny?

I don't see any "funny-ness" too! XD Maybe in Japan showing up an evil badass grin is "funny"? .-.


OMG Doyatchi is creepy in a way

I've always disliked Horoyotchi.

Coincidenally, she was the first tama I ever got. When I had my first tama, the V4.5, she was the only female character I ever got... O___O *shiver*

I also don't like Bill, because I find him really creepy looking.

I also really used to dislike Oyajitchi, but the GO-GO Tamagotchi! anime is starting to make me like him, darn it... x3

Haha the drunk-bottle character! XD I'm not a superfan of the Ura-tama in general, but I don't dislike her too much since I'm used to see her on my Tamagotchi DS game :) However I always found weird her "constantly drunk" look. I thought it was a bit inappropriate for little children XD

Masktchi is the one I find a bit creepy...especially her V4 sprite, when he laughs of happiness she is kinda...oh well, weird...and it took me quite a while to realize that it's a female character

Pukuten... whenever he smiles... it's just SO creepy e_e

And Doyatchi and Masktchi as people say, Doyatchi is creepy in everyway and Masktchi's sprite is just ugh (her art is okay though)

Bill's old artwork also creep's me out... the newer one is fine though

Also I never liked Memetchi's connection sprites... her smile was just... annoying in some way? It's weird, but I really dislike her sprite
... Sad because I like her

And a character that's really cute yet really disturbing is Benzatchi... because well... he is a toilet seat... that's the saddest life one could have TT-TT

Anyway lots of vintage characters are not too cute really, but they are special in their own way xD

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