Nizidafabies Tama Log!


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Well-known member
Jul 24, 2011
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The Netherlands
Hi everyone!

So, today I thought, Why not make a log.

I Imediately began to write! So my tamagothi i'm going to log about, Is bob.

He is still a 1st gen. And he is a Young androchi.

I don't have to tell you what version it is ^^ (V4..)

So today was a pretty normal day, In a life of a androchi.

I had the new teacher come over. And we recieved a pencil right away!


Bob: Omg! Can i get some food plz?

Me: Yes, You can ;) Here you are..

Bob: Thanks!

Me: So, are you planning to do something this afternoon?

Bob: No, I can't go anywhere else.. :p

Me: please go play jumping rope with me :D

Bob: Yes! I was waiting for that! Come on..

Me: 1..2..3..4..5..6..... 30!

Bob: Yes! we won!

And yes.. Thats basicly what we did today..

Thanks for reading! ;)

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Hi Everyone!

I'm starting making pictures over about one day..

I need batteries for my camera.

But don't worry, They will Come ;)

Today I needed to download My Bob again because I paused it to long :p

Maybe I will have to care for it in school next time.

Bob was a cute androchi as always today. ^^

He talked with my aquapet! (don't ask me why I bought it :p )

So Bob was like *_* and my aquapet Kitzi was like ^^

Bob: Oh Noes! Not Again!

Kitzi: Yeeey! SING WITH ME! Lalalalala..lalala..

Bob: *HELP ME!* Lalalala..Beeb..lalala..Beep!

Kitzi: Why are u so stupid?

Bob: 'Cuz i hate you :p

Kitzi: Ok, You are ugly, This place is ugly, I'm outta here!

Bob: Ok, Bye :D

Kitzi: Hmpff...

That's what the conversation was like (I think)

Tomorrow last day at school! Yeey!



-xx- Me ;)

Yes! He evaluated To a Mamechi! I'm so happy!

He is an adult now.. It don't take long till the machmaker arrives i think!

Oh My! He looks so Cute!

My friend visited today, and i bought her to the train station.

When i arrived home again, Bob became an adult! And he is now only 3 years!



Sorry that I didn't take pictures, I'll add some Now.

I edit when i have pics! ^^

Here is how it went today:

Bob: Hey! Down here in your pocket! Hey! Heeeeeeeeeeey! Look at me!

Me: *Gets Tama* :eek: Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey! *jumps around*

We made it together my sweety!

Bob: Thanks that you cared so much about me :)

Me: Thanks that You where always there for me.

Bob: When does the matchmaker arrive?

Me I don't know :(

I hope that it will come eventually, but not now.

Bob: Me too, I lovce you!

Me: I love you too!


That's what we did today ^^

Thanks for reading again! :)

Today, I have logged earlier because i have a christmas concert.

With the Band i'm in. In the church. I hope my little mamechi will like it, Because he is coming with me xD

Still don't have pictures, The cameras are dead or are playing hide and seek with me.

Today the talking Christmastree appeared! Yeey ^^

He was talking with Bob for more like 2 hours. it was a funny conversation.

Tree: Hi there! Merry Christmas!

Bob: Hey! Who are you?T.T

Tree: I'm the talking Christmas tree.

Bob: Yes! I can go to work now! Bye turtleteacher!

Turtleteacher: Bye! :(

Bob: Yeey! I'm the new anchorman! (newsreader)

Matchmaker here I come!

Matchmaker: Eheheh.. You should now that Your childhood not going to last that long, You know?

And that's it for the day! Bob is new fully grown, At the age of 3 xD.

He has work now! ^^

Thanks for reading!

-xx- Me!

Hey everyone!!

I photographed my tama with my mobile phone! ^^ Here it is!:


Photo of my Tama V4 with new keychain! (still making new ones, So if you have requests, Ask me! ;) )


Sorry for bad quillity, xD You can see my fingers on here.. Its a photo of my Mamechi Bob! :D


Yeey! I hope this is a better picture of Bob.

The matcmaker should arrive now or very soon. I hope he gets a daughter! :D

To the second generation!

So today, It is Christmas! :D YES!! (I don't get Presents with Christmas but, I like it because of some other reasons..


Bob got a job at the airport because the newsreader didn't like him. (or I don't know what happend)

Bob talked with the Christmas tree again today :p

xD So this was the quick update for today.

Thanks for Reading!!

-xx- Me! :)

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10:40 am: So.. Today, It's very early in the morning now, but couln't resist to tell you some news!

I have my second generation! It's a boy, hurrayyy!

I will update this post in the afternoon to tell you more things, what i did today


20:26 PM : Yeey! My friend visited tday! She is gonna stay for this whole week! (till friday!)

So, my bob has now a child. I thing i'm going to name him Kaito or Yano. Anything Japanese will do..

I'm so exited!!

Bob talked with his offspring, here is everything written.

Bob: Hey little fella! Hows it going?

(unnamed): Hey Daddy! Its going really well! I was sick yesterday, but you cured me :D

Bob: I love you so much! ;)

(unnamed): I love you too Daddy!

Bob: Yes.. But I'm going to mommy very soon, you will be on your own then.

(unnamed) But daddy! don't leave me!

Bob: i'm not gonna leave you, You can dail me whenever you want! plus, Fabiënne is going to take care of you!

Me:Yup, thats true. I love you both, and i'm going to take care of my little boy, as good as I can! ^^

Friend: Oh.. You have got a tamagotchi, Arn't you too old for this stuff??

Well thats how it went today! See you soon!

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Bob has left! I'm taking care for my already grown Toddler Yano.

Hes bouncing around in his little room.

Yano: Hello everyone! nice to meet you! i'm Yano! I'll be talking in green from now on

I'm so exited to use the phone to call my daddy! I love my daddy! ^^ My Mommy Fabie went icescating today,

so a was leaved behind in the pauze mode.

But Yano, It was for your own sake! I care about you, so i put you on the pause mode.

That's why!

Friend: are you still talking with that toy? Come on! just focus on the real life!

Hmmpff.. But this IS real life..

I'll be playing on your Ds then.. I like that Princess game :D

So thats what happend today..

Thanks for reading today!!

-xx- Me! :D And Yano!

My friend has left but,

Here is another log! Yeey!

My tama Yano grew from toddler to teen! Yes!

I'm exited! Another year is coming! Lots of fireworks and cakes and oliebollen included. (It's a dutch cupcake kind of thing, Look on google and it will explain to you.)

Fireworks is tradition in my country, we count from 10 to 0 on 12 oçlock and wish each other a Happy new year.

Yeey! You've learned something new about The Netherlands! That little Flat country in Europe! ^^

Thanks for reading everybody! I wish everyone a Happy new year. :D

My little bob died! *cries* :(

But besides, I can start a new family and maybe finally get a Girl! Yeey!

On deviant art, I submitted a few artworks, Any I thought you'd like to see them, so here are they:

<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" width="360" height="280" align="middle"><param name="wmode" value="window" /><param name="movie" value="" /><param name="menu" value="true" /><param name="quality" value="high" /><param name="bgcolor" value="#000000" /><param name="flashvars" value="rssQuery=gallery:xxfabie-chanxx&ss=8,3,0" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><embed src="" quality="high" wmode="window" flashvars="rssQuery=gallery:xxfabie-chanxx&ss=8,3,0" bgcolor="#000000" width="360" height="280" align="middle" allowFullScreen="true" menu="true" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage=""></embed></object>
Thanks for looking here! I will posting if i have a new Tama! :D

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Soo yeah Sorry people i've been busy with school and such.

Like you all know i always give my Tama's Japanese Anime names (Bob was just something i liked)

So my New Tama Girl's name is Sana.

D'aww she sleeps right now.

So yeah..


LOL! So Sana Died too. But never mind, I will be raising Nelis for now.

Nelis is still 0years old and he lives inside mah pink V4 thingie.

he's Generation 1 and i wanna start a wwhole family with him.

Like into generation 10 or something xD

So yeah, I'm still busy with the keychain that i'm making. Idk what and how, so i need a littlle inspiration.

Thanks for reading today!! xx

Nelis will be talking in green

I will be talking in Red

Hey world! I'm 1 Year old now! :D I'm going everywhere together with my Mommy Fabie!

Because she hooked the keychain onto a necklace! Yay ^^

Yus that's what I did (>^.^)> How's it Hanging Nelis?

Did you get enough sleep?

Yeah! I even slept in the evening! I was so tired after envolving into a Toothchi (Or what it's called)

Being a Toddlertama isn't as easy as you think!

But it's all right! Yay! So we didn't do much today, exept for sleeping and computering.. and eating.. and Going To School..

Nelis even got to meet the Tama teacher of the big Tama school! Hurray! He's a Kid now! ^^

Soo yeah, That's what we did today Hope you enjoyed!

Byebye! *waves*


Okay, Okay s**t.

Nelis died because of a battery outtage.

I now have my Debby though. :3 she's still a baby, but im determined my baby will survive this time.

We'll see how long i can keep her alive. xD

Don't think i don't love her though! >u<

I'm now saving up for lots of stuff to buy by the way.

Lets list stuff i want for my birthday & what i wanna buy for the money i get..

- Japanese Tamagotchi ID

- HQ Microphone

- Vocaloid

- BJD Doll

ect ect.

Since this is a tamagotchi forum i won't pester you with my birthday wishes xD

Thanks for reading today though, I appreciate you guys for sticking with me even though i have been on Hiatus for a long time.

ByeBye!! xx

Hello everyone!

It has been such a long time since i've updated you!

of course my last tamagotchi did die, but i've hatched a new one.

On my V4 there is now:


0 years currently.

and of course it's a girl.

But i also brought a new Tamagotchi Friends today.

wich has my Mitsumaruchi in it. it's a boy.

I did wish the tamagotchi units could do the friends share thing but apparently,

with the Tamagotchi Friends you have to "bump" it using NFC

Oh well, here have a picture of them together, Alys went asleep when i took the picture tho



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